Going crazy trying to decide which car seat to get and could use some help/advice.

My LO is 6 months and in the 97-99% for height. The carseat would be going in my husbands car mostly, but occasionally in my car. He drives a large truck where space isn't an issue, but I drive a smaller SUV where the backseat isn't super large.

I've been referred to the Clicktight Marathon and the Chicco Nextfit as the best options for us (tall baby, not big backseat). I think the Marathon will be easier to move from car to car, but I'm not sure if we will be doing that all too often so I don't know if that's a huge sell point. The Nextfit is more compact for when it's in my car.

Which do you have, and do you like it? Is one more comfy? Is one easier to get a baby in and out of? The Marathon is about $25 more but that isn't really a huge factor. HELP!