Before I went back to work at 12 wks pp, DD was sleeping 8-9 hours each night (8pm-5am straight). Since she's been in daycare, she isn't napping like she used to (from all the noise), and now she only sleeps 5-6 hours at a time at night... she'll go to bed at 8 and wake up at 3am, 5am and 6am. I have been offering her the breast everytime she wakes up because I can't figure out if she's waking because she's hungry, or because she just wants me as a pacifier. (She'll be 4 months next week)

Either way, I'm really struggling at work because I'm so tired, so I would really like to get her back to sleeping 8 hours at a time. Does anyone know if there is something I could try to get her back on track?