pomelo / 5228 posts
@chibee: The only reason I wouldn't agree with your CHs would be the OPKs. You can't O after a negative OPK, it would have to go positive again. Frustrating, I know!
pomelo / 5000 posts
I have a question about when your temp should ideally start to dip in the luteal phase.
My last luteal phase was 13 days, although my first temp dip occurred on CD 10. The cycle before that, my LP was 12 days, with a temp dip starting on CD 9. The cycles before that, my temp dipped and I started my period either the day of or the next day.
While I'm technically having a long enough LP, I'm wondering if my temps dipping early is indicative of something else taking place. Oh, and this cycle was the first time I've ever experienced spotting before my period. It was very, very light, but I noticed it. Any ideas, charters of the hive?
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Happygal: Everyone is different, but mine usually dips a day or two before AF shows up. I'd recommend having your progesterone checked on 7dpo, because the spotting especially could be a sign of being low. Also, I was told if you are slow to rise after O that could be a sign.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Grace and @Mrs.Someone: Here's a link to my chart: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/happygal
Thanks for checking it out!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Happygal: I am by no means an expert, but I definitely still recommend a 7dpo progesterone check based on your charts (the very first one looks good though). They are all slow to rise, and start dropping a little early. You have no reason to be worried though, just browse FF for pregnancy charts with "slow rise" and you'll see plenty of similar ones
For reference, here is my chart, with a slow rise. My progesterone check came back at an 8, and it needs to be 10+ (not on this past cycle though).
Hope that helps!
pomelo / 5000 posts
Thanks, @Mrs.Someone. I was starting to suspect that myself. I ordered some progesterone cream, although I think I'm playing doctor a little too much and just need to go see one myself! Did they put you on an oral or suppository form of progesterone?
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@Happygal: I'm wondering if your big drops have to do with how warm your temps are getting the last two months. It's quite a bit higher than the first two and when it falls it falls to a level more consistant with the "nice" charts. So I'm wondering if the super high temps are the anomaly. I really wouldn't worry yet, especially not over the slow rise. Mine always do that and my progesterone was fine. Having said that, blood tests are easy and cheap. So I'd get one, assuming it's fine and if it's not, then you've got an avenueyo explore.
Hope that made sense - it was a little rambling.
pear / 1799 posts
I have a quick question for you ladies who use FF. I freaked a bit earlier this week when I saw a temp shift. I thought I was Oing 4 days earlier than normal (big dip, big rise), but then it went back down. I noticed today that FF is showing an empty circle for my temp yesterday. I suspect it's when I ovulated ... I just wasn't sure why the temp looks that way. Hoping to see a big rise tomorrow morning!!
Here's the link: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/41037a
coconut / 8305 posts
Good day ladies! I'm finally a "Charting Bee". This is my first month charting & you could say I am totally "green"! DH and I are currently waiting to try. I'm on CD 8 with my period ending just yesterday. It's my first pp period so who knows how the next few months will go.
Also, do any of you ladies temp while NOT getting consistent sleep? DD (P) is still waking through the night so I normally only get a few hours uninterrupted and wake at different times every day. AND I've already forgotten to temp before getting out of baby TWICE and have only temped 5 days.
Do you ladies think it would be better to temp in the a.m. around the same time (give or take an hour) even if I had just woken an hour or so before OR after my longest stretch of sleep regardless of the time?
I read that on the TCOYF site you can put in your temps along with any disturbances and it will discard temps that wouldn't be considered "accurate" but I'm worried that ALL my temps would be considered this. =/
Hopefully I'll get to read through the thread this weekend & I look forward to getting better acquainted!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@VEGMAMA: The open circle means that something is less reliable about that temp. It most commonly happens when you take it more than a half hour earlier/later than the others. As for your O date, you wouldn't have O'd and still gotten a positive OPK afterwards. When you get your LAST positive OPK, that means you'll O up to 36hrs later. So if you get a negative tomorrow, you O'd either today or tomorrow. I always take OPKs until I see a good temp jump and/or a negative OPK. Hope that makes sense!
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@runsyellowlites: welcome! I think that you're supposed to get at least 3 hours of sleep before you temp, so if you always get up with P at say, 2am, after 4 hours of sleep, that would be better than temping at say, 6am when you were just up at 5. Good luck!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@VeganMama and @Runyellowlites: Welcome! The women here are helpful and wise, and I've already learned a lot from them.
@Veganmama: While it's nice if you happens, you won't always get a big dip on the day of ovulation. Sometimes it's just a small one, and sometimes there's not one at all, and you can also have a slow rise afterwards. Based on your OPKs and your CM, I would say that you'll be getting your crosshairs soon!
pear / 1799 posts
@Happygal: I was thinking I O'd yesterday ... However, based on this morning's temp, it's still dipping. Maybe O today. Who knows! I am just excited to see those crosshairs!!
I'm actually wondering if I always O this late. I had a CP a few months ago, and I got a BFN on what I thought was 12 DPO (got the BFP on what I thought was 15 DPO). According to this looonnnggg FP, it was prob only 8 DPO.
Do you ladies think that the temperature of our room could be the reason for these really low temps? We sleep in about 65 (my husband gets hot), and last night, I didn't have the extra quilt I usually do. Is this a silly thought?
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Vegmama: I don't know why I wanted you to be Veganmama in my last reply....sorry about that!
In TCOYF, she lists things that could raise your temperature, but I haven't seen much written about what might lower it, although I would think the same logic could apply. Unless it was a drastic difference, I wouldn't think it would change it by that much.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@VEGMAMA: Really low temps can often be a sign of hypothyroidism. You might have your thyroid tested if you're concerned.
pear / 1799 posts
@marionberry: Just had that done last month & the numbers were in the normal range. I might just be low.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@VEGMAMA: Your temps really don't look that low. I did find that when winter came, my temps dipped too, so it's possible. But I think it looks like you O'd yesterday, and that could mean your dip was an "ovulation dip". It looks good! Just wait a couple of days and I bet you get crosshairs.
pomegranate / 3580 posts
So I'm worried about short LPs. This month it was 7 (!) days, last month was 12 and the one before was 9. I have long-ish cycles and tend to ovulate late and I'm wondering if FF has my O date correct? My chart says I O'd on CD26, but it originally had it pinned at 23 - do you think it's correct?
This month I'm trying some B-complex to lengthen my LP. I'd love to know if anyone has tried something else that's also worked!
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@fussygal: EDIT: I can't see your chart - the link is showing me my own chart :). I have a short LP too - sometimes 8 days, usually 9. The only thing I had any luck with was natural progesterone cream, which is literally lotion you rub on your thin skin (upper arms, inner thighs, tummy, etc - rotating places) during your LP. It lengthened mine to 11 days.
Have you ever had your thyroid tested? I found out a few months ago that I have hypothyroidism, which can contribute to short LP. I'm on medicine now, but it hasn't helped (yet).
Luckily, LPD (luteal phase defect) is super easy to treat. If you are diagnosed with it, your doctor can prescribe progesterone suppositories for your LP and the first trimester if needed. I think that's the direction I'm heading in.
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@shutterbug Thanks for the info! That is really helpful. I'm thinking if it isn't longer this next one that I'll go in for some testing.
Here is the right link! http://www.fertilityfriend.com/ChartGallery/155173.html
pomelo / 5228 posts
@fussygal: I agree with your original O date (CD23), so that would make your LP 10 days. Still not great, but better than 7 at least? I was recently told to start taking Vitex to help with progesterone levels. If its been a few months off of BC though, I'd definitely at least call your doc and see if there is anything she/he can do.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Fussygal: I agree with @Mrs.Someone that your O date looks like it would be on CD 23. I've read that 10 is the minimum for what is considered a normal luteal phase.
@Shutterbug: did you start the progesterone cream after your ovulation date?
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@Happygal: yup, once you confirm O, so usually 2-3dpo, and keep going til you get AF or a BFP.
pear / 1799 posts
FF still hasn't confirmed ovulation (I think I'm 4 dpo) ... Is this typical with the first month of charting? I'm pretty certain (both according to my temps, and according to my body) that I O'd on CD19.
Also, I hate that I keep seeing the "inconsistency" circles ... I changed my wakeup time to an hour earlier, so it seems to be all over the place.
pomelo / 5000 posts
Hi @Vegmama: FF will give you those desirable crosshairs once you have three higher temps. I'm not sure if they count a sustained temp as a continued higher temp. Your temp dip probably threw off FF, but I think you'll have crosshairs soon!
I got crosshairs my first cycle very soon after I ovulated, but I had a clear drop and spike, corresponding CM, AND a positive OPK. No other cycle has been as "perfect" as that first one.
pear / 1799 posts
I took an OPK this morning (not sure why, I just saw it there & was curious). I got the strongest positive I've ever seen ... Even more positive than the 1 before ovulation (according to all signs, opk's, and my temp I ovulated 5 days ago). Why would the opk be so positive?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@VEGMAMA: Some people get positive OPKs for days after the first one. Given your chart I wouldn't guess that it was a delayed ovulation (which would be my second guess). I also think it's too early for it to be a sign of pregnancy, so I'm really not sure exactly why you're still getting positive OPKs. This is one I can't 100% answer.
pear / 1799 posts
@marionberry: I was thinking delayed O too, but I even had O pain along with the temps & CM changes (last week). So weird. Wondering if we should BD in case. I'm at the tail-end of a UTI (maybe the antibiotics are doing this), so I thought that might have something to do with it. This was FMU too.
pear / 1799 posts
@marionberry: Here's the OPK. The older ones have faded a bit, but you can still see how pos the one from this morning is.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@VEGMAMA: I know you said they faded a bit, but the one on the right looks like the only positive one. The bottom line has to be equally as dark or darker than the top line. Were they? In my experience wondfos, while they fade, still stay equally dark or light. Your temps indicate you already o'd but I would BD just in case. If your UTI is bothering you, you could wait another day and still be in good range for a BFP if you really are ovulating right now.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@VegMama: this is strange! I'm with @Marionberry in thinking the last one is the only one that looks like a positive to me. Just flipped back to the "Share your wondfo" thread, and I wouldn't say any of the ones you shared were positive either.
Your temps are throwing me for a loop, although with antibiotics and changing waking times (and really cold temps, right?), those all factor in as well.
pear / 1799 posts
@Happygal @marionberry Totally agree about the others not looking so positive now. After these, the others I took were stark white, so I figured I just missed the highpoint of my surge (tested at the end of it) ... Especially because before these slightly positive (I know only the 'as dark' one are actually positive) ones, the strips were white. So weird ... and if this is the case, it would mean my LP is only 9 or 10 days which is not ideal. Oh well. I am feeling a lot better than I was, so BD is totally doable ... just not what I expected. Thanks ladies!!
pear / 1799 posts
I finally got my crosshairs!! Just did a little happy dance. Now I'm trying to decide when to poas. 9 dpo seems early.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@VEGMAMA: 9dpo is still pretty early...although if your chart looks great sometimes it's ok. I'd recommend more like 11dpo. My bfp test on 12dpo was super light.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Vegmama: looking goooood! Perhaps that's an implantation dip at 6 dpo? I know most people encourage others to go forth and POAS, but I would try to wait at least one more day! Fingers crossed.
pear / 1799 posts
I'm getting a little discouraged. I couldn't help but test the last few days ... I'm 12 dpo according to my chart & still getting a BFN. Would you chart savvy ladies think my chart looks good? O actually looks like it happened? I thought I was starting to see a triphasic chart, however, there wasn't really a consistent rise (or section of temps) around O. AF isn't due for 3 or 4 days, so I know there's still a chance until then. Would love to see if my chart looks 'good'? http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/41037a
pomelo / 5041 posts
@VEGMAMA: It could certainly go both ways. In my personal experience however, when my temps seemed to level out toward the end, it was a BFN cycle. The next few days should give you a better idea.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
This might be a stupid question -- but I'm curious if being outside in the cold all day could have affected my BBT? I'm talking Northern Ontario winter, and me being outside long enough that I think my whole core temperature went down because I could not get warm even when we came in.
I usually have a clear shift and I'm usually pretty much on track with FF's ovulation predictions (around CD 15-17). CD17 was when I froze myself this time around (I also had awful sleep), and I have yet to ovulate by CD20 according to my charts. I had EWCM yesterday, nothing really today except brutal pains in my pelvis. The whole thing just seems bizarre to me, and it isn't hugely important, although we did have unprotected sex yesterday, but I hate weird body mysteries so any input is appreciated!
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