pomelo / 5041 posts
@MrsDragon: I can honestly say that your charts really confuse me. There doesn't seem to be what I would call "clear ovulation" except in the first chart. Have you ever tried using OPKs to confirm? I'm going to refer this one to @spaniellove: for advice!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@marionberry: I'm still a total newb at charting. I guess by 'clear' I just meant that I see a general shift, but all I have to go off of is the BBTs. I don't really get much CM and I don't check my cervix. I haven't used OPKs just because we aren't really trying yet and I don't want to psych myself out but I'm not against the idea if it gives me more info!
I always temp right at 6 am, so I'm consistent with that, but I am just starting to really be good at doing it every day. So my charting history is a bit spotty, but I've temped every day this cycle.
One thing that does stick out to me is that for the first chart I used a different thermometer and it seemed to be better -- it died so I bought a new one, and it seems to kind of 'stick' on certain temperatures for lack of better word. It's supposed to be a BBT for charting but I wonder if the first one was more sensitive and if it's worth getting another one.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MrsDragon: A new thermometer is worth a try. Using a few opks right around when you think ovulate would help a lot! We recommend wondfos. You can get tons on amazon for really cheap.
pear / 1799 posts
What does that countdown at the end of my chart mean? AF is due tomorrow, but there's a 4 in the pink box ... then a 3 for Sunday. Just curious since this is my first month charting. Also, my temp is going back down (sad), should I expect AF the day it drops at all, or once it dips below the cover line?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@VEGMAMA: It's the countdown for when you should test. It really depends about AF. Some cycles mine went down a little bit for a few days and then a drastic drop and others it just went straight down that drastic drop, but usually for me AF came the day of the drastic drop. Every one is different though.
pomelo / 5000 posts
I'm already feeling discouraged here at 4 dpo. Not understanding the drops already at 3 and 4 dpo. Any thoughts?http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/happygal
Trying to find something to be positive about, and I'm grateful for at least having this data to show an RE. We'll be setting up an appointment after this cycle.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Happygal: Implantation! Check out my BFP Chart. It should give you some hope.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Happygal: I understand the frustration, I had a dip today too at 3dpo. I doubt its implantation yet (for either of us), but who knows! For what its worth, my first BFP was the only one I've had a dip that early (which also wasn't implantation yet).
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs.Someone: @Happygal: That's true. My implantation wasn't actually until the dip at 6dpo but that cycle was the only one that ever had early dips.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@marionberry: Thanks for sharing! Hope that means good things for me and @Happygal
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Marionberry and @Mrs.Someone: thanks for your responses. It made me feel better. I hate that I'm so easily discouraged in this process.
@Mrs.Someone: I'll be keeping an eye on your chart! Is this your second cycle of trying, or second of charting?
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Happygal: Nope, this is month 11 of trying actually. I don't pay for FF, so it only shows 2 charts
cherry / 143 posts
This is my first cycle of charting (and first post, too!), so I've been combing these threads like crazy! You ladies are full of such helpful information
pomelo / 5041 posts
@amreis: Glad we have helped! If you have any questions, feel free and ask anytime!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Amreis: welcome. This is a great group, and I've learned a lot from here.
@Mrs.Someone: sorry for not remembering that! I really hope this cycle is a BFP for you and your SO.
cherry / 143 posts
@LindsayInNYC: sweet! I'm glad I'm not the only newbie to the charting process. I'm constantly second-guessing myself about whether I'm doing it right. Are you using an app or manually charting?
bananas / 9229 posts
@amreis: I'm using the Fertility Friend app but I use an electric blanket in the winter and think it might throw things off a bit?
cherry / 143 posts
@LindsayInNYC: I'm using FF too. I never thought about an elextric blanket throwing things off... hmm. Thats a good point.
bananas / 9229 posts
@amreis: I think it throws it off but charting can still be relatively accurate as long as you don't adjust the blanket constantly. So if you have it at 4 right now and leave it that way (mine runs all night). I anticipate my temperature will go down once we stop using the blanket though.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Happygal: Thanks Your's had a nice spike today too! FF actually thinks I O'd 2 days earlier, but I don't think so because of my positive OPK. Either way, its still too early to test!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@happygal: @mrssomeone: Your charts both had great rebounds! Wishing the best for you this cycle.
apricot / 453 posts
Are there any expert chart readers here?
This past cycle was my first time TTC in three months, after an MC/ ectopic pregnancy that took a hell of a long time to resolve. We did Clomid/IUI this cycle for the first time.
My LP is usually 13 days like clockwork and my period is never late. But now I'm 15DPIUI, no period, and only negative HPTs for the past week. My temps dipped below the coverline yesterday and the day before but are back up today.
The only other time I had that weird dip and return was when I was actually pregnant. But I was getting positive HPTs and I was bleeding due to the MC.
I go in to my RE for a beta test tomorrow morning but I'm freaking out until then. My chart is below - what do you think?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@night cheese: Curious about the dip! I have seen peoples' charts that do that and end up pregnant. I'll cross my fingers that's the case for you. Your chart looked amazing for quite awhile until it took that turn. Let us know what your beta says!
bananas / 9229 posts
Anyone experience lower than average pre-O temperatures? Like in the 95ish area? Does it mean anything?
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@LindsayInNYC: it's more important that they're consistent for you, so if you have 95 degree pre-o temps every month I think that's fine. I did read once that having hypothyroidism can cause you to have low temps, but I have that and my pre-o temps are around 96.9-97.3.
bananas / 9229 posts
@Shutterbug: I read the same thing... I'm not usually cold or anything. And I had full blood work done last May and my thyroid was normal.
pomegranate / 3580 posts
I need some expert help here
I usually ovulate somewhere between CD 21-26. FF actually already detected ovulation at CD16 with that waaay low temp dip, but I'm hesitant to believe it since I took that temp two hours earlier than usual. Maybe it was right, but that seems SO early. Do you think it's possible that it was CD 18 or 19? I guess only time will tell, but in the meantime any thoughts are much appreciated!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@fussygal: You have a clear temperature shift after that jump, so I think its accurate!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@fussygal: that's a good looking chart there, lady! I would say FF has your dates right!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@happygal @mrs.someone thanks, ladies! I wonder if the B Complex I'm taking had something to do with shifting it earlier. Good thing we timed our BD for that day!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
How long does it take before you mark a TWW symptom as a symptom? If you have one or two pangs/cramps do you count it as cramping or wait until it's more sustained?
The reason I ask is because today I was nauseous for about 45 minutes but I'm not sure if that is long enough to be worthy of symptom status. BUT I'm rarely nauseous though so I think it should be noted.
pomelo / 5228 posts
In my opinion, its not worth marking down symptoms and driving yourself crazy... I've had them all and in the end they have never meant anything. My first month trying I was nauseous for a week, and so convinced that I called my doctor even after AF arrived. Sorry, bitter TTCer here
eggplant / 11408 posts
Jumping in on the charting thread! New here, but I do love charting. You learn so much!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@lovelyplum Welcome!
@mrs.someone I'm usually good about not symptom spotting until about 10 days DPO, then it's all downhill. it too hard to not think about it.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@fussygal: I agree with @Mrs.Someone that in all the months I bothered to mark symptoms it never meant a thing! Other than that I got more emotional just before AF (well obviously).
pomelo / 5041 posts
@fussygal: If you aren't going to read a ton into it, it can be nice to symptom spot. What I can say is that by doing so I knew that my usual symptoms from all of the cycles where I didn't get pregnant were totally different from the symptoms when I did get pregnant. I did it more for fun and hope than for prediction of a BFP.
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