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Did you have a specific question? Or is hb eating text again?
pea / 11 posts
Whoops yes, looks like the post got eaten! I don't see a place to edit or delete so I'll repost here:
As of this Sunday, I will officially be off birth control, yikes!
DH and I are planning to TTC starting around May/June, so I'm hoping to prevent until then. We will probably use condoms for the most part, and I'd like to also track a bit. I'm thinking I will start with a good charting app, I have Glow, but I'd love to hear people's recommendations. I'll be finishing out my BC pack so I should start bleeding a few days after-- should I count that as my period on the app for tracking purposes even if it's technically just a withdrawal bleed? I was also thinking about getting some OPK's to see if I can catch my first ovulation since I don't really have any idea when it will happen, although I guess I'd have to POS like every day? I tend to be a little obsessive about things so I'm hesitant to dive fully into temping and charting right away.
A few friends recommended Taking Charge of Your Fertility so I got it from the library but I felt like it was really anti-hormonal birth control and it was starting to freak me out, like I'd permanently tainted my reproductive system or something so I brought it back. But maybe I should give it another shot? I've been on the pill for around 3.5 years, and my periods were always quite regular before. Any tips and/or advice are appreciated!
nectarine / 2288 posts
Yes you should count the withdrawal bleed as a period for tracking sake. I was on bc a similar amount of time and didn't have any issues with my cycle regulating when I stopped.
Taking charge of your fertility has tons of great info. I would try to give it another read. I won't go back onto hormonal bc because of info in that book. You haven't ruined anything though! Most likely your body will get back to regular cycles pretty quick
We used opks to help avoid between my daughter and trying now but my cycle was already pretty regular so it wasn't too many days usually. If you're OK with a slightly earlier baby I'd say try the opks but if there's a specific reason you're waiting I would stick with condoms.
And if it was me I'd skip charting and just have fun if you can for a few months of trying. There's really no going back from the crazy of charting and ttc. We conceived our first little on the first try and we are now on month 6 for our second so you just never know how it will go
grapefruit / 4278 posts
I would enter the withdrawal as your period and only track your periods in the app in these first few months off birth control. It's a slippery slope when you start adding in OPKs and temping and since you don't want to even start trying for a few months... no need to start obsessing early.
I would still recommend reading taking charge of your fertility though. I think it's full of information that every woman should know about how her body works. I learned so much. I used the methods discussed to get pregnant twice and then went back on hormonal BC (Mirena) because I don't have time in my regular life to track my BBT and we absolutely do not want an oops baby.
pineapple / 12053 posts
I had very irregular cycles after coming off BCP (was on it for 10 years for skin issues and then actual BC). I read TCPYG and temped and charted. We prevented until about 7 months later and I got pregnant on the first try but only because of temping! My O day was on CD 42 and if I hadn’t been temping, I would have thought my body was going crazy. But I knew I hadn’t O’d yet so DH and I kept DTD.
I also won’t go back on hormonal BC after we’re done having babies (and I haven’t in the 6 years we’ve been trying and preventing) but that’s because I felt so much better off it despite the ease of use.
persimmon / 1095 posts
When I went off BC I kept it simple. I just printed off a paper calendar I kept at my night stand and wrote in when I ovulated and had my period.
pear / 1737 posts
I would chart and use opk and cervical mucus and position, but not temp so that way it isn’t as intense as you could get with it. I’d count the withdrawal bleed as the first period just for counting and start peeing on opal maybe cd10 ish just for the first cycle until you get a period.
I was on hormonal bcp for 10 years and then had regular periods as soon as I got off it. I was lucky.
Also, I haven’t read that book, but I have heard/read that hormonal bcp can preserve and maintain your fertility and not harm it. Obviously it is dependent on your body, but just something to consider. I know a lot of people poo poo hormonal bc, but I feel like it isn’t all bad. I haven’t been on it since we started having kids, but I like the idea of it better than implants, shots, or iuds.
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