I took the plunge and bought a car seat! I scoped out the Maxi Cosi Mico suggested by several ladies on here and BRU kept suggesting looking at the Chicco so I clicked on it and immediately fell in love with it! It looks so plush and the safety ratings are phenomenal. The dimensions and weight were very close to the Maxi Cosi Mico, so I feel pretty comfortable about it being easy to manuever in and out of the car. I know it'll fit, but I was really concerned about how easily I'd be able to manuever it. It seems like a really light car seat, compared to the Gracos I'd looked at in store.

I'm pretty thrilled to have this big decision out of the way and I know DH is glad that I'll finally shut up about it... I was pretty stressed about finding one that was safe, fit well in our car, and was easy to carry.

Anyone else use a Chicco?