I've been going back and forth on which stroller to get. We still have time, as I am due any day now but have the snap n go which is what we will use in the beginning anyway.

I love the city mini, and at first was thinking I would get a nice umbrella stroller (probably Maclaren) and also a BOB for jogging and walks. We live in a very small house (less than 1100 sq ft) and both drive small cars. So, I was thinking it would be nice to have just one stroller that serves both purposes, which is what I thought the city mini GT could do.

Does anyone use the GT for light jogging and/or walks on gravel/dirt type paths? We live in Houston, and most places that we would go for a walk are gravely paths, as opposed to paved sidewalks. Any jogging I would do would either be on streets or on these paths, no more than 3 miles at about a 10 min/mile pace. I know that technically this stroller isn't meant for running, and obviously the BOB is the better choice here, but I wanted to see if we could save space and money by just getting the GT.

Any thoughts?