I am hoping to start cloth diapering my 5 month old little girl at least overnight. If its successful, maybe more often. I do not have time to do laundry more than every three days (usually more like twice a week for her).
Based on some limited research, here is what I'm thinking I will start with and I'm hoping everyone can comment and let me know if this sounds ok.
All-in-One versus Hybrid:
I think I would like to use hybrids. It sounds like they are cheaper (shell+insert) and easier to clean. I do not like the idea of having to unstuff a pocket and I don't think I want the expensive AIO's that take a long time to dry.
I have heard the most about GroVia hybrids and am going to look at them tomorrow. I think they run about $15-17 new for the shell. I have also heard about Flip hybrids. I am not really interested in GDiapers. Anything else I should look at? I think if I do try an AIO, I would try a BumGenius.
I think I will try a pack of the GroVia snap ins (2 for $17) but also a pack of prefolds (I heard the Bummis Organics 6 for $28 is good, but looking for suggestions). Since this is for overnight, I"m not sure if I need anything else? What is a liner for and do I need it? Do I need anything else to stuff for overnights? Again, I'm trying to not have to buy a ton of stuff to get started, but also want to have supplies on hand to be successful.
I'm hoping I can get 1 shell, some liners and maybe an AIO to try out and spend less than $50 just to get started to see how things work. Does this sound reasonable?