So today my husband asked me, "When do you think we might start using our cloth diapers?" And, well, considering our daughter is now 9 months old, I figured it's finally time to commit. We have had a small stash of diapers since before she was born, but they are, sadly, still in the dresser drawer, unwashed and in their original packaging. For a long time I said we couldn't do it since we were in an apt. with no washer/drier. But we've been in our home for three months now and I have been avoiding it.
My small stash is made up entirely of BumGenius 4.0s, so here's hoping we like them! They are awfully cute, at least. Here are some questions I have before I start prepping them and getting on Amazon to order some additional supplies.
1. Do I REALLY need to wash the covers and inserts like, 7 times prior to first use? I remember hearing that/reading it somewhere and it has stuck with me.
2. Can I just use my regular old Tide Free n' Clear or is it necessary to order some of the fancier detergents?
3. Any other gear I need? I'm a SAHM for the time being, so there is no daycare situation to worry about.
4. Do I need to double up for overnight? Or order some hemp inserts?
5. Oh! Also, for those who have the Bum Genius 4.0 type, I see that there are snaps on the inserts. Do they snap in place somewhere? I am clueless.
Thanks, ladies! I'm excited to get started on this and save some money/throw fewer disposables in the trash.