honeydew / 7444 posts
Hey everyone, so fun getting to read everyone's intros! I'm not new to HB but thought i'd say hello anyways.
I'm 33 and currently live in Western Canada. I've been married for a little over 4 years to my best friend. We were in the longest long-distance relationship ever! We have a daughter who will be 2.5 years old when she meets her baby brother in November. I am a WOHM/WAHM.
I spend most of my free time cooking, baking, entertaining, and thinking of ways to decorate our new home. I love yoga and biking, and am proud that i can still bike around town with LO at 7 months.
coffee bean / 43 posts
So fun! I've been lurking here for almost 2 years and would like to post more.
-I'm 30 years old.
-I have one LO who will be one in 2 weeks
-I have been with my husband since I was 21/married for 4 years 5 months.
-I have a few graduate degrees I'm not using since I'm currently a SAHM.
-I'm looking for a job in judicial policy analysis in the Pacific Northwest/California.
-before LO i worked for legal aid for 6 years. My gradwork focused in federal domestic policy.
-I have the fever for another baby but the timing isn't right.
-having a high needs/reflux/mspi LO has been the hardest thing I've ever done and at 11.5 months he still nurses 8 bazillion times a day!
-it's the best thing I've ever done and i wouldn't trade it for anything.
grape / 92 posts
Hey everyone I just joined hb a few weeks ago looking for support and advice after my most recent loss. I'm 29 and a SAHM to my awesome 2 year old daughter and the best rescue dog a family could ask for. I married my high school sweetheart 4 years ago
This past year has been a tough one. We've had three pregnancy losses, and I also ended up getting sick shortly after my ectopic and came down with facial paralysis which I've had a really slow and incomplete recovery from. I'm really trying to focus on the positive and take a more relaxed approach at ttc this time around.
Most of my friends don't have children yet and are still in party mode. It's crazy to scroll through the boards and relate to so many things. I definitely need to make more mom friends!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
So fun to read all these intros of new, old and lurkers alike!
I'm a 32 yr old mom to a 28 month girl and expecting our second girl... Any day now!
My husband and I just celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary and will be celebrating our 14 year dating in November!
I'm an architect which has always been my passion
DH and I love love to cook!
We've been gut renovating our forever home for the past oh 3 years. But things are finally starting to come together!
I'm a self proclaimed deal queen. Or cheap a$$, whichever way you want to look at it.
cherry / 143 posts
I'm Ottilie. I'm 25 and pregnant with my first, a boy due in October. My husband and I have been married 3 years and live in England, although there's a good chance we'll move to the US sometime in the next year. We love animals but don't have any pets yet since we live in a rented flat. I love reading and my husband loves music...right now that means playing piano and the drums, which he hopes our son will also love.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@locavore_mama: wow, 3 years of renovations! Did you blog about it?? I love reading about and seeing reno's come together!
@LalaLove: I'm so sorry to hear about your losses and medical issues.... You sound really positive though, so that's great! Your pup is adorable! I also have an almost 2 year old - exhausting!
nectarine / 2465 posts
@LalaLove: I am so sorry for your tough year, I hope that means you are due for an amazing one!
nectarine / 2771 posts
I'll play, though I've been around for a while now.
- I'm 30 years old and live in northern NJ
- DH and I met as freshmen at college, and we've been a couple ever since! Together for 12, married for 5
- We have a 19 month old crazy adorable girl, and a sweet pup who we consider one of our children as well
- We'll be ttc for #2 at the end of this year, and I'm both excited and anxious!
- I am truly grateful for the work/home balance that I have
- I'm a licensed psychologist and work two part time jobs, one at a group practice and one at a large urban hospital where I evaluate and treat foster children
- One of our goal to be foster parents and while we still have a few years before we start the process, I already eagerly look forward to it!
So fun to be reading everyone's intros!
cherry / 157 posts
Hi! I was actually looking for a board like this when I first joined (not very long ago, lol) and I'm enjoying reading everyone's bios. It's really intimidating to me to come off the ttc boards, and I'm pretty shy over there, too, so thanks for starting this topic!
I am 25 and have been ttc my first for the past few months. I love having a place like this where everyone relates to how emotional that can be. My husband and I live in a little apartment right now, and we are shopping for a little house! We can't have pets here, but I would really love a cat or dog once we move. I'm an environmental engineer and I work for the city water department. My husband is a computer engineer and manages the website of a big local company. We met my freshman year of college and have been inseparable since! I like to read, eat, and nap, and I love my 3x a week kickboxing class! It's the only workout I do right now, though I'm really trying to like running. I feel like I've blathered on and on, so I'll wrap up. I look forward to getting to know people here and hope to make some new friends!
kiwi / 631 posts
I'm pretty new around here, and have mostly just been on the TTC boards, so I'll play.
-I'm 31 years old, DH is 30 and we live near Milwaukee, WI. We will be married 2 years on Monday.
-We are currently TTC for our first, and I can't wait to get KU.
-DH is an Electrical Engineer, and I am finishing up my teaching certification. I student teach in a 4K classroom this fall.
-We bought our house a year ago. It's a late 20's craftsman bungalow duplex. It needs some work, but it is worth it. We have been remodeling the kitchen over the summer. All the work we put into it has already paid off. I love my new kitchen.
-We have a fur-baby, a cat named Rory.
apricot / 452 posts
First experience with not copying my post first just in case, and sure enough the boards ate it. D'oh!
@Piroutte - yay for more ballerinas! I wish I'd seen your username before I registered; I might have picked "Fouette" instead
@Espion - tell your hubby "GO BROWNS!!!". As for Manziel? I groaned and wanted to hide under my bed and pretend it wasn't real when they drafted him. The Browns need a primadona egomaniac distraction like they need a hole in the head. Maybe if we had Cowher or Belichik to keep him in line it could be different, but that kid is a disaster. Partying with Bieber? Seriously? And I really feel for Hoyer. Local kid, worked hard, won games and looked like a hero before that devastating injury. Now if Manziel picks his nose it will be bigger news than anything good that Hoyer does on the field. Sigh. I'm also miserable about Josh Gordon, whom we'll likely lose for the season. Seriously, the weed can wait until you retire. I can't even... He's the best receiver in the league, and we didn't draft anyone to remotely fill his shoes. Typical Cleveland. But I"ll never give up! It's a sickness, Cleveland Sports' love...
apricot / 452 posts
I'm catching up on a couple of pages of posts, so forgive me if I'm behind and post too much to respond. Still learning the ropes here... (and holy crap am I not concise, apologies)
@Katrocap: Excited to "meet" a Baltimore bee! Which county do you teach in? I'm guessing you don't want to give too much info on here, but my best friend from growing up moved here a couple of years ago and she teaches in HoCo.
@Hoots: I'm very much like you and Katrocap; I don't have many friends here. I've outgrown most of the group I met my DH through (most of them are still unmarried / no kids / going out to bars / drama, even though we're in our mid 30s), and I haven't really met anyone new.
@MamaPhoenix: Love your spunk, lady! I struggle with depression & anxiety, and weight gain (though mine is not thyroid driven, it's my husband's cooking + stopping going to the gym, and french fries and wine). I hope your surgery and I assume post-surgical meds to regulate your endocrine system bring you some relief. No fun at all. Hang in there!
@Marionberry: (+ Youboots and other Oregonians who introduced themselves in this thread), I'm so jealous of where you live. My DH and I went to OR (business trip for him) when we were dating, and had stops in Portland, Cannon Beach, & the Columbia River Gorge (we hiked 6 waterfalls in one day, and it was gorgeous!). Plus I love a good Pinot Noir from the Wilamette Valley. I hope to visit again someday.
@HelloBeeBoston: I lived in Boston for 5 years and miss it a lot. What a great city! My brother & SIL just moved to Malden, around the corner from my old condo in Medford (near Wellington Circle on the orange line). I worked at the VA Hospital in JP when I was up there. I'm now craving New England Soup Factory and their soups and molasses cookies...
kiwi / 641 posts
@rattles-- West Wing is my all time favorite show. I pretty much rewatched the whole series on Netflix while I was on maternity leave
It's so exciting to "meet" everyone!
eggplant / 11408 posts
I haven't gotten to play along because work has been nuts. I will try to respond this weekend, though!
I'm Lovelyplum
-I'm 30 years old and have a baby girl who was born in April. We went through Repeat Pregnancy Loss to get her, but she is awesome.
-My DH and I have been married for 4 years and together for 7. We have lived all over the Midwest and Mid Atlantic during that time. We've moved a lot for school. He is a teacher, and I am.a PHD student in the humanities. We are currently in Western New York and love it here.
-We have a crazy pointer who I call Boo. She *adores*LO, and baby girl is obsessed with her pup.
-I love baseball, college sports, and being outside. I've also been known to rearrange an entire room's worth of furniture on a whim. It drives my DH nuts
grapefruit / 4997 posts
Hi Everyone! I haven't had time to read or post lately since my sweet baby turned into a curious, active, walking toddler overnight. I have a 15 month old little girl who lights up my life more than she will ever know. I battled infertility struggles for many years and always made excuses (mostly money worries too) for not seeing a RE sooner. I wish I could turn back time and make so many changes instead of letting fear rule my decisions.
But she is here now so we are just head over heels in love, grateful to be parents and overjoyed with our little family. HB has been such a helpful resource for me during my struggles with pp insomnia that lasted almost a year. I am grateful to have met and learned from so many wise mommies. We are trying for #2 and hopefully it won't be a 5 year process again. See you all around the beehive and have a great weekend!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@hellobeeboston: it's crazy. We're DIYing most of it; well my DH is. So it's taking a while. It probably won't be completely where we want it to be outside and inside for at least another 3 years. But it's our forever home so it'll be worth it!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@youboots: I'm due April 11th I think. I'll know more after my ultrasound on Sept 2.
@ballerinabee: Yes I love Oregon! I've travelled a lot but still think where I live is the best. Where else you can you play in the ocean and the snow on the same day?! I'm also a huge wine and microbrew snob so that's nice too. If you visit again let me know!
pomegranate / 3858 posts
Well, I'm not new, but wanted to introduce myself here too!
-I'm 33 years old and have toddler girl who was born in December 2012 (she's almost 21 months)
-LO loves colouring, reading, pushing her baby around in the shopping cart, and playing with her new playmobil Noah's Ark (thanks to her uncle!).
-I had GD, but she ended up being tiny (hence the username)
-she was 5lbs 8oz at birth (c-section) and we had some weight gain problems throughout her first year, but she's doing really well now!
-My DH and I have been married for 7.5 years.
-I'm a WOH/WAHM in publishing - I copyedit tax research materials for an accounting firm; DH is in government.
-I love to read (kid's books and James Rollins' Sigma Series especially), watch action movies, drink coffee, and paint abstract pieces. I hate cleaning, watching raunchy comedies, and talking on the phone. I'm an introvert all the way, and find it hard to make friends. I'm not chatty.
apricot / 452 posts
@tinyperson: I love James Rollins' Sigma series too. I *just* posted about those on the "what are you reading" thread. Good stuff. From there I started reading Steve Berry's books because I wanted something similar.
pomegranate / 3858 posts
@ballerinabee: I'm reading the Lincoln Myth right now - not as good as Sigma though
apricot / 452 posts
@tinyperson: Agreed. I love the Sigma books. I know quality goes down when quantity / frequency goes up, but I want more!
pomegranate / 3401 posts
This thread is fun!
I'm 32, turning 33 in October. Married for 4 years (but been with DH for 7 before we tied the knot). Currently a SAHM to a wonderful 18 month old daughter. I used to work in advertising/marketing. I am a SoCal native. I love the sun, gelato, Downton Abbey, and trying new restaurants. I want to go back to France (the last vacation we took before LO) and eat baguettes and drink espresso all day long. I love dogs and want one but my OCD and hair-phobic personality is preventing me from getting one.
I joined HB last spring and it's really been a great place to visit. I've posted here and there and I really hope to become more active and get to know everyone better!
persimmon / 1313 posts
@LalaLove: Sending you lots of love after reading about your year of challenges! I can only imagine how hard that has been.
I've been here since I got my BFP in April because I remember enjoying Weddingbee when I was getting married and figured this was this was the next step!
- I'm Angel.
- I'm 24 and will be 25 in April.
- I'm originally from Atlanta and I miss it every single day. I currently live just outside Orlando, FL and right outside of WDW.
- I've been married to DH for five years this October out of the nine years we've been together. Our dating and wedding anniversary is on the same day which makes it super easy to remember!
- I WAH as a graphic designer/web developer/branding consultant (or lots of hats) for the company that I co-own with DH. I also have been blogging for 8 years and I own a paper shop on Etsy.
- I am currently 21 weeks pregnant with our first and I'm due on 1/1/15 which makes for interesting conversation!
- I've been practicing yoga for almost three years now and have plans to go through teacher training next year which I'm looking forward to!
- I love working out, reading, writing, and hand-lettering.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
@MamaPhoenix: Glad to see that you have your thyroidectomy scheduled already and go you on the weight loss!!
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@ballerinabee: hey are you in MD too? PGCo over here
I've been around for a while but this is fun!
I'm beaker, have 2 boys, live in MD, WOHM part time. My DS2 was a preemie and has some disabilities, if you're curious you can wall me or check out the chronic health support board, it's all laid out there. I've made some good friends on here and am trying lately to reply more and lurk less!
apricot / 420 posts
Hi, I'm JMOM.
I lurked for over 2 years before joining (shameful, I know).
I am 41 years old but I think I mentally I am in my early 30's.
I have been married for 17 years.
I am a SAHM to a 5 year old girl and a 2 1/2 year old boy. We tried for 7 years and had one miscarriage before our daughter was born.
I grew up in the Midwest but we recently moved to Utah for my husbands work. We did live in London for 6 months which was awesome, but it was right after our miscarriage so we jumped at the chance to go - it was basically running away from the pain. It did lead to an obsession with Dr. Who, Grand Designs and gelato.
We have a very large dog who has very bad breath.
I like sewing and crafting, but don't have time to do it.
There is always ice cream in our freezer, nuff said.
coconut / 8498 posts
@beaker: I knew you were in MD, but I didn't know you were in PG. Me too :).
I've also been around a while, but I feel like there are a ton of people I don't know.
-I'm Weagle
-I've got one daughter that's 27 months old and another due in mid-September
-DH and I are college sweethearts and have been married 4.5 years
- we are HUGE college football fans, specifically SEC, more specifically Auburn
- We live outside of DC., and specifically chose a neighborhood with poor school choices and people that are very different than us!
-I'm a SAHM. A terrible housewife, but a pretty great mom
- Originally from AL, and I really love the south for so many reasons
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
Is it too late to join in on the fun?
I've been around for over a year now but I only recently became a blogger. Still very new for me, still testing out these new shoes so to speak so I haven't been on the boards as much as I try to adjust from board bee to blogger bee.
Hi, I'm Mrs. GB. I'm 24 years old (will be 25 next April) living in TN with my husband and our two cubs. I have a two and a half year old little boy and an 18 month girl. I'm a mostly stay-at-home mom. We've just started preschool and I work part time in the school while the children are in class (in another classroom so as not to distract them).
I'm not sure what else to say except I love to craft and read when I have time. Guilty pleasures include things like sewing, knitting, painting, sketching, the likes. Pinterest is a wonderfully awful outlet when I don't have time to actually give in to my creative impulses but it gives me more ideas than I can possibly list. I love books - mainly mysteries, usually involving murder but not obsessed on murder but I also love fantasy and science fiction. Wish I had more time for books but what books I do read are usually in e-book format, not paper-and-ink format. I watch a lot of old movies, a lot of sci-fi shows like Star Trek, Farscape, Doctor Who, etc. but also things like Warehouse 13 (the edge of the Sci-fi I think) and Mrs. Marple. Other mystery shows. Love PBS and BBC.
Aaaaaand I think that's it!
persimmon / 1304 posts
Late to the party again!
I loved reading about everyone and decided to join in--mostly because I noticed all the Philly/NJ bees and love meeting locals on HB--and because I generally read way more than I post!
I'm Bisous. I have a 14 month LO, two cats and a great husband. I work out of home and my job is the only thing stopping us from starting TTC again. I dunno if I am ready for another pumping adventure!
We live in the Philly burbs.
I am a word/grammar nerd and work in Communications.
I struggled with PPD but I am so happy I got help when I did.
I love all things French. And all things Delaware... (my husband and I went to University of DE and lived in DE for awhile)!
I love to travel and visit new places...I feel like I am in constant need of new scenery!
A recent HB thread inspired me to try Fresh 20. I dove in and surprisingly love it. I have been a terrible cook all my life and so I am basically learning from the program!
My husband has always worked retail hours and just got a new job where he works 9-5 M-F. I am SO thrilled and this weekend is our first one together in a loooong time!
Eta. I am 28. And irrationally afraid of 30!
coconut / 8079 posts
@bisous: thirty is really not bad!!! I also love all things French. Have you traveled to France?
coconut / 8079 posts
@Ginabean3: I love your idea of going to France for baguettes & espresso. Yum! Where did you visit in France?
persimmon / 1304 posts
@jhd: I know I will probably love my 30s. Just need to start warming up to it!
And yes, I have been there a few times including studying there for a summer semester. Most recently we went to Paris in May! We haven't gotten to do too much international travel lately but my husband had a rare opportunity to go for work and so we met up with him at the end of his trip!
coconut / 8079 posts
@bisous: that's so neat! DH and I spent our honeymoon in
Paris and I hope we'll get to go again some day. I have been to France several times and also studied there.
coffee bean / 33 posts
Hi there. I've been lurking for a while and finally got my act together to join in.
I'm kiwibee. I'm from New Zealand (as you might guess).
I've been married for 4 years and TTC for 1 year already. I'm not sure who has the worst case of baby fever - DH or I. I have endo (and have had a lap already) so not sure how long this TTC business will take
I'm a Biochemist and teach at University. I love my job most of the time.
I turn 30 next week and am still in denial
I hope to get to know all you ladies much better
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@jhd: we were in Paris and then took a day trip to Versailles! So much fun! I want to go back and do the south of France now!
coffee bean / 33 posts
@mrs.shinerbock: My husband is a Colombian hottie too What part is he from?
@MediaNaranja: We watched a couple of episodes of the Colombian version of Breaking Bad but I couldn't really get into it. It was funny figuring out who was who.
coconut / 8079 posts
@Ginabean3: yes definitely! I haven't been to any part of
France I didn't like but the south is so pretty and has some of my fave food!
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