nectarine / 2465 posts
I am going to try to be more involved in the other boards (besides ttc) as well!
My name is Kelley!
I am going to be 28 1 week from Friday
I live in CT
We have been ttc for 7 months with no success, and we are putting it on hold temporarily because I just started a new job and kind of realized I wanted to wait a little while longer
I've ran 1 half marathon, and hope to run more!
I'm a registered dietitian
Me and my husband have been building our own furniture, and we renovated our kitchen by ourselves
apricot / 342 posts
-Blueberry comes from my nickname for LO. He was the size of a blueberry when we found out he was on the way.
-I am 26, and I've been married for 3 years to the most wonderful man.
-We have a 15 month old son and we're expecting baby #2 (a whole 10 weeks!)
-My educational background is in psychology and I worked as a paralegal in sex crimes before I had LO. Now, I am a stay at home mommy. But I'd eventually like to go back to school for nursing.
-DH is a college professor (philosophy)
-We live in north Texas
-We are both huge fans of craft beers!
bananas / 9229 posts
I'm Lindsay and live in NY (surprise, right?)
I'm 30 for another 3 months
DH and I have been together for 8 years (in 3 weeks) and will be married for 4 years next month. We met in law school - we're law school sweethearts
No LOs yet, hopefully soon though... Instead, our 7-year-old pug gets all of my love!
We met in Boston so I'm a die hard Red Sox and Patriots fan, lived in NJ for 4 years and now live just north of NYC. Thanks to DH, I'm also a huge Michigan State fan as well
I drink all things coffee, wine, and craft beer. I listen to all things DMB, Eminem, Britney Spears and county music (all equally!).
And some photos!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@nana87: @Espion: @StrawberryBee: oh my gosh. my dog is incredibly neurotic, and I'm type A, and since my LO was born (well, really since pregnancy) he's been driving me NUTS!! lol! but my LO loves him so much. and he tolerates her
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@ladybee: @spaniellove: my younger sister has Asperger's!
@BabyBoecksMom: hahaha! seriously. I was like, omg if they ever come here again, he's not going to meet up with me. DH was like, why? and I was like because I was SO rude!!! lol!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@lilteacherbee: So cute!!! I love the tiny shelties :3
@sorrycharlie: Yeah, my sheltie isn't quite infatuated with E. Luckily the other two are ;). And yay for more tricolors! Handsome boy. Baby's not too shabby looking either ;D
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@StrawberryBee: lol thank you! he's enormous. I'm not convinced he's only sheltie - he hovers around 50 lbs!
kiwi / 619 posts
Hi everyone! I've been around for a while, but I'm not a very active poster (hoping to change this) I live in Ottawa and have been here for most of my life. My DD just turned 2 in July, and DS will be three months old tomorrow. I'm currently on maternity leave and will be going back to work next May. Reading through all the previous posts, it seems like everyone has such fun hobbies! My hobbies nowadays mostly consist of baby and toddler classes of all, gymnastics, swimming, etc! I love it though I used to run cross country, row, paint, and play the cello. I'm hoping that eventually I will be able to take some of those up again. Here is one of the only pictures of DD and DS together...DD usually tries to squish DS, so good pictures are hard to come by!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@sorrycharlie: mine's oversized as well. She was a rescue puppy mill dog, and definitely isn't to breed standard ;). She was 28 pounds when we did agility, and is now probably more like 30. Sometimes I think the collie in them comes out.
@cookie_dough: so cute, I love the tongue sticking out!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
There are too many posts to respond to all but I just want to say that I love reading about everyone!
A little bit about me:
- I turn 30 in October and I adore fall. Too bad fall in California sucks.
- I am a middle school ELD teacher. My DH and I met through a mutual teacher who insisted we would be good together. He is also a teacher.
- After dating a little more than a year, we got engaged and married a couple months later where he proposed. We had a big garden wedding booked and ditched it in favor of an intimate, beautiful wedding day. Our first date was a little over two years ago.
-We have been TTC since April and have gotten pregnant twice, but I just had a D & C at 11 weeks.
- I have two cuddly puppies. One of them ran away for a month so I got another and the one that ran away returned. It was one of the happiest days of my life!
- I am a hopelessly imperfect Christian who is daily amazed by God's love, patience and grace for me.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
Yay, I was thinking last night that it had been a while since we had a thread like this! Thanks for starting it @Chillybear: !
I'm Sarah, aka lovehoneybee, aka the former FutureMrsMcK. I'm 29, and have been on the bee for what feels like forever (I joined a few days after I got my BFP), and I was on WB for a long while before that. I've known some of these ladies for years! (holla @RunningElley:!) I try my best to keep things short, but usually end up writing novellas. Sorry in advance!
I have been with my husband for 8 years, and we'll have been married for 4 years in October (10/10/10!) We have a newly 2 year old son named Evan, who is pretty much the most awesome thing I've ever done. It took us 13 months and two losses to get pregnant with him, but when I look at him I know that I was just waiting for him.
Dave is from Upstate New York and I'm from Southeastern Louisiana, we met in Philly and now have settled in Central PA. D works in the bicycle industry and I work for the state.
We're undecided about whether we want a second child, and have put the conversation on hold until next spring. In the meantime, we're loving spoiling our little man, and our three cats
Random tid-bits: I love to read, cook, bake, I just registered for my very first 5k (a Zombie Fun Run!) and I'm working my way through Grey's Anatomy for the first time!
pear / 1718 posts
Hi everyone!
I can't wait to pour myself a glass of wine, read all your introductions, and swoon over the adorable photos later tonight.
In the meantime, I'll do a quick introduction for myself. I am a WOHM mom with a 17 month old son, wonderful husband, and a grouchy dog. I've been married to my DH for just over 3 years. We recently moved to the suburbs from NYC, and we're just beginning to make friends and create a life for ourselves here. I read a lot of the message boards but can't seem to find the time to participate as much as I'd like. Sometimes I actually write on my to-do list for the day, "post on HB!"
I'm an elementary school teacher who loves to travel, run, and hike. I'm a terrible cook and not particularly crafty, but I'm trying to learn!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@lovehoneybee: Stories like yours make me hope that one day I will feel the same way about my losses. That, as awful as it was to go through it, if anything had been even slightly different, I wouldn't have this child.
hostess / eggplant / 11068 posts
Hi everyone! It's nice to read about you all!
I'm Rubies and I've been on HB forever and ever. I'm 33 years old and live in a suburb just east of Toronto, Ontario. I have been married for 4.5 years to my husband, who is the complete opposite of me - it makes for an interesting household.
I have two daughters: My first is 3 years old and is just like her father and my second is 10 months old and is really starting to resemble me in terms of personality. Again, makes for an interesting household!
I am a high school teacher - I teach English and history and really like it but it is definitely challenging having to deal with emotional and hormonal teenagers all day and then having to come home to my babies.
Anyway, I hope to get to know you all better!
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
So there are way too many posts to comment on all of them. But I LOVE reading about you all - especially those of you I haven't really 'talked' to much. Hi, hi, hi!
I'm Mrs. Oatmeal, formerly redsmarties, and I've been around HB for almost three(?!) years. I was really active on the WB IF boards before that - so some of you ladies have been seeing my face for toooo long.
I'm a coffee, tea and craft beer drinker, a WOHM to newly-one-year-old K, a baker, wife to a wonderful husband, and completely imperfect follower of Jesus.
nectarine / 2994 posts
@KelLeeLeee: Your dog is gorgeous!!
Loving all the dog photos ladies
@cookie_dough: Reading your screen name has just given me a craving for cookie dough!
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MrsStar: Thank you! That's Brooklyn
@Mrs. Oatmeal: Yay craft beer! My husband works for a craft beer distributor
kiwi / 673 posts
I'm Hoots. My screen name came from my sorority mascot (Chi Omega), and I have a slight obsession with all things owl.
I'm 28. I'm originally from the midwest, but live just south of Houston now.
I'm kind of a nerd. I edit my posts about a bajillion times because I find grammar and spelling mistakes in them and can't stand it!
I met my husband in high school when I was 15 and he was 18 (we were only 2 grades apart). My parents hated him because he was older than me. They love him now, but I understand where they were coming from now that I'm older.
I have a small dog and a cat that are about the same size and don't particularly get along.
We are currently TTC baby #1. I was diagnosed with the lean version of PCOS in July, so there have been some unexpected bumps.
I've said this before in a thread, but I'll share here too. I am really pretty talkative and outgoing IRL, but I have very few "friends." I don't particularly like to make friends with the people I work with, friends from school have scattered, and many have moved on to parenthood. It's just an awkward time, and I really really hate awkward situations.
pomegranate / 3244 posts
@mrs.shinerbock: I didn't realize your husband is Colombian! Mine is from Ecuador, which isn't really the same thing, but close enough!! I'm jealous that you go visit each year. We haven't been back to Ecuador in 3 years or so and I really miss it
I will play....I'm not new, but haven't been posting much lately!
I'm MediaNaranja. I joined HB about 2 years ago when I *thought* I was a year or so away from TTC. An unexpected year-long unemployment put those plans on hold indefinitely. I'm happy to say I *finally* found a job that I'm excited about and am starting next week, which means I can start thinking about TTC in, oh, a year or so
Hubs and I live in Utah, but we met when I lived in Ecuador--he was visiting his sister who lived down the street :P. Since we don't have any kiddos on the horizon, we spoil our geriatric dogs (15 & 17). In my spare time I love to read--while I was job searching I worked at the public library, and half the books I checked in never made it back on the shelves! I grew up in a ski town, and still try to do as much skiing as I can in the wintertime.
I also like to cook, garden and sew, even if I am not particularly good at any of them. I listen mostly to latin rock music. DH and I like to watch the Amazing Race, and, embarrassingly, Wipeout. We also loved Breaking Bad and are considering watching the Colombian remake.
I can't think of much else to write! I've enjoyed reading about everyone!
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
Hey! I haven't been super active recently so I thought I'd add a hello!
Mediagirl comes from my former life in TV (nothing too glamorous).
I have a 2 year old who my husband and I just adore. We spend most of our time when we're not working and not sleeping with her. She is our one and only and we can't believe that we made something as wonderful as her!!
We have a crazy little Boston Terrier named Thumper.
I bleed purple and orange.
A photo of our graying girl.
nectarine / 2152 posts
I'm Trailmix, was a WB blogger way back in the day!
I have 15-month-old boy/girl twins who were conceived via injections plus IUI.
I met DH on our second day of college but we didn't start dating until senior year. We've been together almost 10 years and married for four.
We also have a cutie patootie rat-dog named Perri, who is a rescue mutt (potentially Jack and Boston? We're not sure).
We live in NYC but I'm a country girl at heart. I like running, drinking wine, and consignment/flea market shopping.
I'm a PE teacher and doctorate student so life is super busy!
Cheers, everyone!
pomegranate / 3779 posts
@MediaNaranja: I can't get DH to watch Breaking Bad. The rest of my family started watching it because my dad has the same first and last name as the main character. Maybe the Colombian remake will get him to watch it.
persimmon / 1230 posts
I'll only be able to reply to a few people. So many posts!!!
@hoots: We should be HB friends! I'm kind of like you, I don't have many friends because it's difficult for me to really get to know people. I haven't had much luck with coworkers and it's hard meeting people elsewhere.
@mediagirl: I love (and am also creeped out) by the doll on the floor behind your dog.
@simplyfelicity: You're an ELD teacher? I'm an ESOL teacher! Now you really can't go!!! I'm sorry for your recent loss.
@ballerinabee: Welcome! You're in Charm City, too?? Great to see another Baltimore bee.
@ms.badger: So you went to Wisconsin! I was wondering about your username ...
@trailmix: Doctorate student, wow! What are you getting your PhD in? I hope to do a PhD in linguistics, one day.
I'm Katrocap - a combination of my grandmother's first and last names. She died 3 months before I was born and for awhile when I was little I used to pretend I was her, reincarnated.
I'm 35.
I live in the Greatest City in America (it says so on our benches): Baltimore, MD!
I met my husband twelve years ago. A mutual friend introduced us. We married 8 years ago at the courthouse. Said friend was our only guest!
I'm a teacher and love my students. This year I'm starting at a new school. It wasn't a voluntary decision, but it's ultimately for the best and I am excited (and nervous).
I love traveling, learning languages, being outside when the weather is nice and reading.
I write stories and draw comics.
My DS is 19.5 months. He's amazing. So sweet and kind and creative and naughty. I am so grateful to be his mommy.
Haagen Dazs sea salt caramel gelato is the best/worst thing in the world.
I should have gone to bed an hour ago but have been reading this thread ...
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Hoots: I have seriously never liked you more. We sound very similar, except I can be super awkward. I like to call it "quirky."
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Katrocap: It's my second year and I have a lot to learn, but I love it! I love having students from all over the world, I learn so much from them. I have decided to stay. I just made some tweaks to my "feed."
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@KelLeeLeee: I really want to see some of the furniture you build. That's pretty badass.
@everyone: sorry for the excessive posts, sometimes my phone will only let me reply to one person at a time.
kiwi / 673 posts
@Katrocap: Deal. I seem to have a much easier time when I don't have to do the "So can I get your number?" type thing, which is the great thing about the internet sometimes. The not so great--I never really get to meet all of the amazing people I meet here.
@simplyfelicity: I like "quirky." DH calls it neurotic. lol.
grapefruit / 4903 posts
How nice to meet the newbees! I'm always up for making new friends!
Hi, I'm Rattles, and I'm 30 years old. I'm a SAHM who's an attorney by trade. DH and I have been married for 3 years and together for 7. We met at a young adult's happy hour for our church, and now we pay that forward with our involvement in wedding coordination and pre-Cana.
My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip, and my fave tv shows are The West Wing and Downton Abbey. I love to read, though these days I'm far more likely to get through board books than novels. We moved around a ton when I was growing up, so I've lived in a handful of states as well as England, Scotland and Germany.
I have a wonderful daughter, L, who is 20 months, and I'm due with LO2 in November. We recently found out that between now and then, we're moving across the country from Chicago to Houston, so things are crazy around our house! Any tips are welcome, and it's nice to "meet" you all!
coconut / 8079 posts
I have so enjoyed reading through everyone's posts and there are too many pics of adorable babies (both human and furry ones) for me to respond to everyone.
A little about me....
I'm in my 30s. DH and I have been married 4 years. We bought our first home last fall and our LO was born in April. We also have a quirky mutt that I adopted from the shelter 7 years ago. I'm a teacher, but SAHM for the near future.
Our LO had some major challenges in his first two months (NICU, surgeries, etc.) and I feel like I am just now beginning to recover a little from all that.
I love books and one of my favorite things to do right now is take LO to the library. We've discovered some fun books thanks to suggestions from HB and I just love reading to him.
apricot / 313 posts
So I'm not totally new, but on the newer side.
I've lived a roller coaster life in the 32 years I've been around. I'am so blessed to be around for the next 32.
I have a beautiful baby girl who is 10 months old.
Married to an amazing man for the last almost 2 years now. We dated for 7 before settling down. He will be 35 on sat.
We are planning on having another baby sooner than later. I want 3, DH and I have left it open for discussion down the road in the future. We are currently not ttc as I was diagnosed with Graves Disease at the same time I found out I was pregnant with our LO.
As of right now I am scheduled for a total thyroidectomy on Oct 10 2014.
I've battled with weight issues my whole life and am so grateful to finally have an answer as to why. With having my thyroid out I decided it was time for a good ol kick in the ass about getting fit and losing weight. A month ago I joined weight watchers and have so far lost 20lbs.
I'm still on maternity leave as I am a Canadian eh!
When I do go back to work It will be in a dental office as I am
a fabulous dental assistant.
I love all animals and have two beautiful fur babies.
I suffer from a bit of depression due to the disease, being post partum and family drama on both DH side and my own.
I don't do drama. People need to grow up, put your big girl panties on and get on with it already. I've been through way to much $#it in my life to fall victim to any type of bullying. That said, I have a huge heart. I love to help people. If we are friends, we are friends for life. I love HB it's been a great source of help and info for me during this first year as a first time mom without any family. I really hope the positive good vibes and respect for each bee can overcome some disruptions that might find their way here from time to time.
I know I might not be here everyday, but I can guarantee that I'm not leaving any time soon.
pomelo / 5041 posts
It has been so great getting to know (read about) all of you! @youboots: I bet we don't live too far apart!
I'm marionberry, which is a nod to where I'm from and live - in the Willamette Valley of Oregon ... aka where all of your grass seed and Christmas trees come from and the birthplace of the marionberry (a cross between a blackberry and raspberry if you didn't know). We just bought our first home together in my hometown in May.
I'm 28 and married to my husband who is much older, as in almost double my age. We met while working together in a hospital. We have been married for 2.5 years. He's originally from TN so we incorporate a lot of the south in our life.
I became most involved with HB while going through IF. We went 9 cycles before an IUI on the 10th gave us our amazing son who is now 11 months old. I am currently pregnant with a surprise baby (potentially babies) and awaiting an ultrasound to confirm on September 2nd.
In my spare time I love interior design (I have many friends who ask me to help them with their own homes), was a dancer from the time I could walk through college, like photography, and hope to one day be a good cook like my mom. Oh and I'm a die hard Oregon Ducks fan! I can't wait for college football season to start soon.
honeydew / 7622 posts
@marionberry I just posted on your wall. What is your due date? Mine is 3/7. Oh and I loooove the South, M just went to Alabama and & Louisiana for work, I'm so jealous (of the food).
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Hi all!
I'm 26 years old, married for 4 years to my college sweetheart.
We are both upper elementary / middle school teachers, with a focus on social studies. It's great to see all the teachers on here!
We live in AZ.
I love to read the news, read young adult fiction, swim, hike, talk, and take pictures. (like everyone, right?)
I don't want to do pictures because I don't want anyone from real life to figure out I'm posting here! haha.
All throughout my life up until I was 24. I firmly believed we would/should adopt, only. I just felt like, there are children out there without families, and there are people who want children, so... put them together! I also thought/think I am a good candidate for the particular needs / stresses of adoption, as silly as that sounds. However, at age 24, I had many close friends to me deal with IF and fostering, and I realized it all wasn't as black and white as it seems. My husband and I talked about it for about a year and settled on trying after grad school.... which is now!
pomegranate / 3577 posts
@sorrycharlie: @nana87: @StrawberryBee: I think slightly neurotic seems to be a dominant trait in Shelties!
Max is a sheltie-mix (actually half German Shepherd, which is why he is so stocky and he has a german face) so he is kind of like a grouchy old man in a "You kids get off my lawn!" kind of way.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@Trailmix: I remember your WB days, since you got married right around when I did! May 2010.
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