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Confess: Ashley Madison (cheaters website) lookup?

  1. Mamaof2

    squash / 13208 posts

    @MrsKoala: LOL me too! I was NOT on there

  2. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    My husband didn't know this site existed. lol
    Could you imagine finding out that your spouse was on that site cheating on you, and your spouse losing their job for using their work email?

  3. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    I won't look anyone up- though DH did come home yesterday and tell me he joined Ashley Madison. (Joking of course!). I mean, we all think our spouse would never cheat on us, but even more than that, I know if he did decided to cheat by joining Ashley Madison, he would make up a new email address.

    But really- is it so hard to cheat? are the women on Ashley Madison such great cheating partners compared to random girls you meet at sketchy bars or something? I don't really get it.

  4. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @lovehoneybee: there *are* pa.gov people with accounts, though...allegedly. And then the whole AG porngate thing. For my work, I often email people with state or state-related emails and am very careful about what I say in emails...The phone gets used a lot in my office.

  5. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Apparently the website is 70% men and a lot of the "women" are fake accounts designed to bring in more men... So... you'd probably have better luck hooking up at a local bar anyway... haha

  6. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    I looked up a few email addresses - including my own just to make sure it wasn't somehow used to create an account. At my old office (a divorce law firm) we made an account to try and investigate on behalf of clients. I think there have to be a fair number of accounts used to just peek into what's going on on the site.

    I would like to think if DH was dumb enough to cheat on me, he would be smart enough to create a fake/new email account. Of course, he didn't even know what Ashley Madison was so I think I'm in the clear.

  7. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @dagret: From what I understand, those employees are going to be investigated "This would be considered a violation of our workplace policies, which can result in discipline up to and including termination." I can't say whether or not my work email, for example, is being *actively* monitered, but the state has both the capability and the right to do so (since it's their property). Same with my browsing history, or anything else I do on this computer.

    Maybe saying I'd certainly be fired upthread wasn't completely accurate, but would be a definite possibility if the state felt some whim (warranted or not) to moniter me and I was using it for something like this. It just seems like a big risk to take. Maybe you can just stroll towards Mordor unnoticed, but the state can turn it's big Eye at the slightest provocation (or whenever else it wants). Does that make sense?

  8. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @lovehoneybee: oh yeah, I totally agree. It's interesting as the open records law has developed. Each agency has their own approach to creating and keeping an email record. Sorry for the threadjack!

  9. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    I don't care enough to search, though I will lulz at Josh Duggar until the cows come home! DH and I promised each other yesterday that if we ever cheat, it won't be something so desperate and tacky as AM, haha.

  10. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    I'm not exactly broken up about cheaters being revealed to be cheaters, but I also think that the hackers should be caught and prosecuted.

    I can't believe the Josh Duggar thing. Just, yikes.

  11. mrsjazz

    coconut / 8234 posts

    I won't search. But I am certainly sitting hear eating popcorn while I read articles about those public figures exposed, specifically the hypocritical ones who preach messages of hate. Read somewhere that Sam from that Christian couple vlog was on Ashley Madison, not sure it's been confirmed but damn don't these people know about glass houses?

  12. derevival

    apricot / 363 posts

    The people who stole and released this data really need to be found and prosecuted. It's just another example of how unsafe our information is on the Internet. A lot of unsavory people are starting to blackmail users.

    But yeah I looked up my email address too. Nothing!


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