I’ve been getting some confusing OPK results the last couple days and I’m hoping someone here can help me. I had my period from 6/16-6/19 (25-27 day cycle) and suspected I would be ovulating around 6/27 based on previous months (I’m not charting or temping). On Satuday 6/25 I took a Clearblue Advanced digital OPK and got a solid smiley. I had what I thought were O pains on Sunday and yesterday. Last night I took a cheapie OPK so I could see the lines and it was positive again. I took another test on the CB Advance digital this morning and it was an open circle. What gives? Why did I have 3 days of positives? We BD’d Friday, Saturday and Sunday so I’m hoping I caught it.
It’s weird because last month I was sure I ovulated because of the pain I felt and the next day I took an OPK and it was negative. This month I had pain for 2 days and I was sure I ovulated early on Sunday, but maybe not since I got another positive yesterday. Anyone have this happen to them?