ok, I know there are already a million threads like this but I am working myself up into buyers paralysis for DDs convertible car seat.
DS (2.5) is rear-facing happy in his Maxi Cosi Pria 85. The car seat is.... fine. I like the look of it, he is comfy and he loves having a cup holder (super random I know).
Right now DD is in a chicco keyfit 30. It’s a tight squeeze but I can sit in between them if we have 3 adults or if it’s a long car trip and they need help. that middle seat being available to sit is a big priority for me. So that is a big factor.
Here are the three car seats I’m thinking about:
1.) (another) Maxi cosi Pria 85
Pros: I like the look, they have the same one (is there ever jealously over this?)
Cons: it’s a little more bulky (worried about being able to sit in the middle seat) people seem to complain that it’s hard to use so maybe I just don’t know what I’m missing
2.) Britax Clicktight
Pros: people seem to really like it
Cons: looks wider- worried about being able to sit in the middle, no cup holder (since DS loves his I’m worried this will be a factor)
3.) Graco Slimfit
Pros- thin, does have cup holder
Cons- maybe not as nice as the other two?
What do you all think?