Has anyone else had a Coombs positive baby? I never heard of this until last Thursday when I delivered my baby boy. My blood type is O+ and his is B- so i guess this is what causes it and now he is jaundiced. Just wondering how long it took for the bilirubin levels to even out and how long your baby had to stay under the billi light or blanket? He spent almost 48 hours under the billi blanket at the hospital and we were released with normal levels on Sunday, however we had our first drs appointment today and it looks like the levels increased again so we may have to go back to the hospital until they level out again.

How long did it take for your newborn's bilirubin levels to be in the normal range? It's breaking my heart that he keeps having to get stuck in the heel for blood draws, and breast feeding is hard enough but even harder with the billi blanket wrapped around him and don't even get me started on having to supplement with formula. Ugh!

Would love to hear your experience... I haven't been able to find much about Coombs on my own.