So I have my 6 week pp appointment next week and I'd like to make my decision on pp bc before that. And I hate all my options.

I was on the pill for 11 years and didn't realize until I came off of it how much it sucked for me, and how much better I felt off of it.
So I'd like to avoid anything with hormones.

That includes Mirena, because I've heard some people still have issues with the hormones in that, and also that it can affect your milk supply which is something I already struggle with.

So that basically leaves copper IUD or condoms as our birth control method (I am not comfortable thinking about NFP/temping until I'm sleeping more regularly). I am tempted by the copper IUD because it seems more full proof and we are QUITE SURE we do not want another baby for a good long time (if ever). But I feel like most of what I've heard about it has been lukewarm at best.

So wondering--- if you have or had a copper IUD, what was your experience?