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Cost of hospital birth?

  1. MegWag

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    @crash806: I know, right!?! It was in a drawer and I have no idea when they took it as I was rarely out of my cubicle. We weren't sure if it was taken by a staff never or another patient. My husband and I like to joke about our 11 pound baby
    It was still a heck of a deal compared to America.

  2. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    I'll be in the same boat as Megwag, short of outright thievery it won't cost me anything. No, I lie, we will have to pay for parking, but that's a maximum of €25 in a 24 hr period so
    I'm not going to freak about it. If we were going private it would probably top out about €8,000 or €9,000 but insurance would cover that. I won't lie, I'd love a private room for pp, but that's €1600 per night so I think I'll survive the ward, seeing as its free.

  3. cupcakemama

    persimmon / 1465 posts

    I have private health insurance so went through a private system rather than public hospital ( we have government public heath here - what's it called??). Anyway, my hospital stay ( 4 nights) cost nothing, it wouldn't have mattered if I had had a csection or LO had had to be in NICU it was all covered.

    I did have to pay $2000 to the OB. I got some of that back from the Govt and because we were so much out of pocket any health visits ( drs etc) for the rest of the year had a minimal cost.

    All of my ultrasounds, pathology tests etc were covered by my health insurance 100%.

    Had I not had private insurance and gone public it also would have been free ( and without the OB bill!). However, I would not have had a private room and probably would have had my checkups with a midwife + OB if there was an issue.

  4. holdonforonemoreday

    clementine / 826 posts

    @Rubies: Me too! I shudder at the thought of paying all that money to give birth! Thank goodness for OHIP, eh?

    My husband has insurance that will cover a semi private room and anything OHIP doesn't cover. Last time we paid $108 for a private room for 4 nights. In addition we had to pay $200 for the circumcision (half to doctor and other half to hospital).

  5. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    My insurance has a $2,500 deductible with 90% co-insurance, out of pocket maximum of $4,000. My doctor billed $4,844 (discounted by insurance to $3250). This included all pre-natal visits and my c-section delivery. My doctor required me to pay upfront (5 installments of about $500 each) to cover my deductible and the 10% co-insurance.

    The additional billings for ultrasounds, testing, induction, hospital stay, epidural etc were $36,000. The insurance adjustments brought this down to $20,360 which was either paid by the insurance or me through my 10% co-insurance.

    All in my cost was just over $4,000 and my insurance paid $19,500.

  6. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    Wow. It blows my mind that people with insurance still have to pay 1000s of dollars. So thankful for medicare right now.

  7. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Oops, I need to edit my post. I talked to my insurance today... we don't have a co-pay at all for delivery. So, everything is covered!
    All we have had to pay so far is $3 each for each of my prescriptions.

  8. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    I am so grateful to be living in a country with socialised health care - we will not be paying one cent for this baby. All costs are fully covered with no co-pays, deductibles, or anything of the sort. We also don't pay any premiums for insurance - unless you count our standard tax rate deducted from our paychecks (approx 30%) as the government funds the entire health care system here.

    We do have the option of going with private insurance but hardly anyone goes for that as it's expensive (would be about $4000 per year for coverage + another $4000 to have the baby with a private obstetrician) and doesn't change the quality of care. Public and private patients deliver in the same hospitals with the same doctors - the only difference is that you're guaranteed a private room afterwards with private coverage; with public, you may (depending on space) have to share a room. For $8000, I can share a room for two nights!

  9. cupcakemama

    persimmon / 1465 posts

    @Ree723: I think you are in Australia? In country towns the treatment is exactly the same as there is generally just the 1 hospital and you get the same doctors.

    Where I am ( city) it's slightly different. I delivered in a private hospital with my choice of OB. I stayed in hospital for 4 nights. It cost me ~$2000 for the OB. For us it was worth it to have the OB we wanted. We had private health cover already so it wasn't a big deal.

    Having said that I like that we had a choice. We were able to choose that we were prepared to pay for private. Or we could have chosen to go public and still had great care without any out of pocket. I can't imagine a system where we didn't have public health.

  10. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    @cupcakemama: Ah, very good point! I am in a regional centre for now but will probably be back in one of the major cities for the birth of our little bub. I have a very good friend who went with private for the very reason you stated - she wanted to choose an OB that she had heard great things about, particularly as she was concerned she may have a risky pregnancy. She delivered at the hospital where I hope to deliver if we can get down there in time - apparently three floors are private but the rest are public so the majority of the facilities are shared (NICU, anesthetists etc), which is all I really care about.

    I do love that we have the option of such a great public health system here! We had originally looked at going with private, but the 12 month waiting period for maternity cover put us off. I initially worried about going public as it's such a weird concept for me (being American) and I worried that the care would be substandard, but I am so happy that it is not the case at all! We really are lucky to have such an amazing system here!

  11. cupcakemama

    persimmon / 1465 posts

    @Ree723: I have heard fairly good things about the public system. Friends have delivered there and been really happy. We were lucky that we already had top private cover so didn't have to worry about the waiting period.

    Are you heading to 'the city' early?? Or just going to do a hospital run when the time comes?

  12. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    @cupcakemama: We're moving down there in about 5 weeks time - little bub is due in 10 weeks so hopefully we don't have any early surprises! We just found out yesterday that DH's next project will be back in Brisbane and as his boss is awesome, he's making sure we're back down there with plenty of time to get settled in before bubby arrives! Otherwise, we'd have no choice but to go regional as we're 6 hrs away... just a bit too far to drive when labour starts!

    @heatherloveskenny: Sorry, we totally threadjacked your post!

  13. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    We paid nothing to the hospital, but we did receive a copy of the bill that was sent to the insurance company: just over $3000, for an unmedicated vaginal delivery, attended by 2 midwives, 4 day hospital stay with all meals included for my husband and I.

    Where I live health insurance coverage for all is mandated by the government, so the cost of my insurance monthly is just over $200.

  14. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    Just got our bill from the hospital: $10,000. Not sure what we're going to owe yet, haven't seen the insurance bill. We have a $1000 deductible and 20% after that.

  15. mooncici

    olive / 59 posts

    I have a great insurance through work, I have 5% co-insurance with no deduct, so we only paid roughly $600 for everything.

  16. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    I think my part comes out to just under 2k. My single deductibe is 2k so I would have def met it. But M came on my plan on that day so my deductibe changed to family which is more than 2k. So I have to pay it all :(.


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