My LO will be 7 months this week. So far, he hasn't shown any really serious signs of teething. But we've been traveling for over a week, and I was wondering if this is the result of a bunch of flights, new people, time changes, sleep disruption, the introduction of solids, etc.

He's been having lots of dirty diapers overnight for the past 2 or 3 nights, when usually he never poops overnight. Some of these have been very liquid, but we'd been getting used to the slightly more solid infrequent ones since introducing solid foods a few weeks ago. He's also been a bit more agitated, which I thought was a result of traveling, etc.

Long story short-have you had experience with diarrhea as a symptom of teething, or should I be worried it's an illness? He doesn't have a fever and seems to be eating (nursing) fine otherwise.