I don't come from money, so I never understood how country club works. My friend recently applied and joined a country club and was so excited about it. Apparently you have to apply, get accepted, pay an upfront mid-5-figures non-refundable enrollment fee. Then you have to pay an annual fee on top of this. The club has a childcare facility which is $8 an hour. She told me food is free, but the few times we were invited to go, the menu always have a $ next to it so I don't know (maybe they charge on the food the guests ordered? I have no idea). She plays golf and tennis which makes sense, her DS goes to golf classes there, and she said she enjoyed seeing her DS grows up in a community / "debutante" environment and cultivate life-long friendship in this community. (I also want to add, my friend is a very down to earth person and by no means does she pretend to be in an upper class and what not)
DS loved the country club as they did putting golf, and he got to play and eat with his friend at the kids club (the $8 an hour childcare) while grown ups had dinner. He often asked me when are we going again, and I said, well, that's not somewhere we can just go, we have to be invited lol.
DH talked about picking up golf (because DS seem to enjoy it, and it helps his career) and he was looking at options. While he did look at golf clubs/courses in our area and trying to figure out how it works, both of us can not understand why anyone would want to join a country club. Why would you want to pay mid 5 figures up front and THEN a yearly fee, just to get access to a golf course and a hotel-resort-like environment? And I don't think they have a pool (I am not positive on this)? If i have that money comfortably laying around I'd do anything other than joining a country club
This is all out of curiosity. Anyone care to shed some light on it?