I've heard about women having these but I've never experienced them until very recently - mind you, it wasn't at all sexual ... just weird and about a person I haven't thought about (but I did see a feed through FB last night, which probably sparked it).

He's a guy I met right before I left the country - literally, right before. Nothing really happened between us. He was gorgeous though, but we never got the chance to really get to know each other. We never communicated after I left, except for a brief message from him after my year contract was over - asking if I'm coming home yet. Well DH and I finally got together and game over for me =)

Well in my dream, we liked each other, but he turned out to be a spy! He promised to say goodbye to me, but I was told he wouldn't because he was a spy. An elaborate story unfolded that lead to that, there was a computer that analyzed his whereabouts and companions (like on TV). Keep in mind that I was traveling all day yesterday and didn't get to watch TV at all, in fact DH and I haven't watched any of our TV series for about a week since BitMeTV is down.

The plot ended with me about to be converted into a spy as well, without his knowledge, but through someone else. Then I woke up in DH's arms just before we was leaving for work and I felt a little guilty about my dream.

That was one of the most elaborate dreams I've had in a long while - if ever. Anyone else starting to have/remember their dreams now that you're pregnant?

Let's share!