So we've lived next to a beach for a few years, and we spend a lot of time there in the summer. And there's this woman who just won't leave us alone! She lives really far, but somehow makes time to go to the beach every day. And when she sees us, she pounces with the advice.
Last summer DH made the mistake of telling her how B keeps having ear infections, and has been on antibiotics way too often. Now every time we see her, she goes on about how we should never give antibiotics because we're "killing" our child, and how we should just give him herbs and garlic, and how she made her daughter "tough out" all the illnesses when she was a baby.
She's incredibly condescending on top of that, and won't bother to learn our names even though we know hers. She just calls us mama and papa, as in "mama, listen, take a clove of garlic and stick it in his ear..."
I'm so not happy about the antibiotics myself, and I did wait out several infections when it looked like DS would get better on his own. And of course we're trying to boost his immunity every way we can. But sit around and refuse to treat him when he's running a fever and it's messing with his hearing? Just so I can brag what a good mom I am because I never feed my kid antibiotics? It makes me see red to hear this over and over.
She's always in front of our house, and this doesn't bother DH enough to move to another side of the beach. I could just smile and brush this off if it didn't happen so often, but having every beach trip ruined like this is not good. I'm stressed enough dealing with crazy clients at work, and I'm afraid one day I'll snap and be really rude, and then she won't go away anyway and will start making snide comments to DH about how his wife is a little high strung when I'm not around, and it'll be really awkward.
Vent over Any suggestions for shutting these conversations down fast?