Okay so this is something that has bugged me even since I was a teenager and I want to see the different opinions on this.

It seems to me that in society the expectations are that a woman is the primary caregiver for her child; if you purchase a lap seat for a baby - it's under the mom's ticket, if a parent stays home, 9/10 times it's the mom (and the dads who do stay home get flack), if the baby wakes up in the night, the mom gets up etc etc.

It bothered me SO MUCH that when I got pregnant one of the first talks I had with DH is you are in this just as much as me. I am no more a mom than you are a dad. That means we equally share responsibilities, parenting and baby care. That means that DH gets up with DS sometimes, he changes all his diapers on the weekend, he helps with cloth diaper laundry, he watches DS so I can do stuff on my own etc. I think it's the way it's supposed to be.

But if anyone other than a mom is parenting a baby, it seems almost... socially unaccepted.

What do you all think of this? What are the roles in your family for SO?