I mentioned this before, but I'm trying a fast (water-only). I've been researching fasts, and didn't realize how common fasts used to be. I always thought of fasting as a form of starvation, and have been surprised that a number of doctors say that fasting can actually allow your body to heal. When animals are injured, they usually don't eat for a while while they heal... not sure if that logic holds for humans, but I found it intriguing.

Personally, what got me to try this was coming across some studies that showed that fasting can help reset your sensitivity to insulin. That's something I've struggled with, so I thought I'd give it a try.

It's been 40 hours so far, and it hasn't really been that hard. I am not really hungry, which has been a surprise to me (I am always hungry!). I am drinking a lot of water though, which helps. I do really miss drinking ice coffees though. I've read that you can have coffee or tea on a fast, but I only like my coffee with milk and sweetener so I'll just wait a while for that.

The biggest surprise overall has been that my sinuses have been clearing out over the past day. I have had some serious sinus problems in the past year, and so this has been an unexpected boon. I did some Googling, and apparently fasting has resolved some intractable sinus problems for other people. I had no idea my sinuses had become this clogged until they cleared out during the past day.

I hear that fasts can get hard around day three or so, which I'm not looking forward to. I think I will stop pretty soon after that though. I want to do more research before considering a longer-term fast.

Have you ever done a fast? How did it go for you?