Hellobee Boards


December TTC 6+ Months Support Thread `*.*`Let It Snow BFPs!!!`*.*`

  1. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    ugh!! DH is being a real pain. I got a positive on my wondfo opk yesterday so FF says I O today, but he's too tired to dtd.

    We covered off yesterday and Saturday, but I am so irritated. Men always whine when they don't get what they want in bed, and when women have things they want they flake off.

    I need a super angry emoticon lol

  2. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Bea: Thanks! I am excited about renovating the house, being able to walk around our land, having bonfires, and living so close to the highway. Despite it being so large, it is only 1 mile and 2-3 minutes to the highway!

  3. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Bea: My gut told me to wait until this morning, so I did! Really hoping it did the trick, but I also know it's a really slim chance.

    @babycanuck: hate when that happens!

  4. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    I am trying so hard not to symptom spot this month. First of all I am on progesterone. I know that can cause symptoms. Second of all, how many times have I symptom spotted in the last six months and been totally convinced I was pregnant? The only month I didn't notice any symptoms was last month, when I got a BFP. Sigh. However, this morning at eight DPO I felt a bunch of little stabby pinches in my lower pelvic area.... Can't help but wonder.

  5. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @MrsKRB: that's what I was going to suggest! FX it was enough!

    @travellingbee: FX!!!

  6. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @travellingbee: I hate symptom spotting! I hope this is it for you!!

  7. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    So, pretty noticeable cramping all through last night and barely slept because I kept thinking I got AF. Having a sick daughter didn't help, I suppose, but definitely made me more aware. Still no AF this morning. If this keeps up, I'm going to test either tonight or first thing tomorrow!

  8. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @MrsKRB: Me too. But I know the reality is not likely. I am torn between wanting to be positive and not wanting to get my hopes dashed yet again.

    I am having a pity party morning and feeling like everyone else just decides to have a baby and then gets pregnant. Wishing it was that easy for us. Of course that is so far from reality and many people have been trying for much, much longer, and we already have a wonderful LO so I have no right to feel so sorry for myself but I do.

  9. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @NorthStar: Woohoo!!! FX tight for you!!!

  10. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @travellingbee: Ditto to everything you said! I feel exactly the same..if this cycle doesn't work, I think that I will be onto number 17 or 18 - I lost track

  11. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @travellingbee: I feel you. We are in our 16th cycle and I feel like I have remained fairly positive the entire time but I'm really struggling right now. I don't know if it's the holidays or what but I am with you on being torn between wanting it to be positive but also not want to get my hopes up. They get up too high so easily.

  12. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @travellingbee: we've all been there, you're allowed to feel as sad as you want! Just have faith that it WILL happen!

  13. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    @Bea: I'm in that boat right now...I feel ya.


  14. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts


  15. ballerinabee

    apricot / 452 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: congrats on the new farm/house! That's exciting!

    @MrsKRB: @NorthStar:

    @sarahnicole218: and I love the "subtle" hint to DH. That made me giggle.

    @babycanuck: that is SO frustrating. DH and I are on opposite schedules (he's up for work at 4 am, I'm barely going to bed before midnight these days <thanks insomnia>), so he's often too tired to dtd, and then leaves in the morning without waking me up! Grr.

    travellingbee: you are not alone! It's so frustrating, and it hurts so much to see others fall pregnant so easily (or unintentionally!!). It's ok to have a pity party, especially in this forum! All we can do is keep trying. &

    @Bea: I know that feeling too, but I get my hopes up every time. It hurts, but you have to believe each month, right?!

    Hugs for all of you ladies! My fingers are crossed so tightly for you all this month!

    We see the RE tomorrow. I'm so impatient! Let's get this show on the road! I'm only CD8 today, so waiting to start OPKs and need to remember to start temping tomorrow. I keep forgetting!

    Mom's surgery went pretty well, but now she's having crazy hallucinations, so they're trying to find the cause. It's both hilarious and not good. Last night, while my Dad was sitting with her in her heavily monitored hospital bay (she's not in a room, but in a heavily monitored step-down unit), she whispered to my brother on the phone that my Dad had snuck her out of the hospital and that she just knew they'd get in trouble, so she was trying to figure out how to get back and that my brother might need to call the police. She also crocheted some air, but insisted to my Dad that she was working on a blanket... Oy.

  16. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @ballerinabee: and @babycanuck: I have a lot of the same feelings RE timing. I work a "normal" schedule and DH works restaurant hours, so figuring out when he'll be home when I'm awake is a pain.

    I'm anxious about this cycle because I'll be off during the fertile week so that should be awesome, but I'll also be at my mom's (without him) right before then. I O anywhere from CD 14 to 19...so I'm REALLY hoping for a later O this month!

  17. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    One thing that has me feeling better about the holidays though, is that my SIL emailed me out of the blue yesterday to ask if I've ever talked to anyone about NaProtechnology.

    She of course knows everything about my MC (she was my main support) but we haven't really talked about any issues or anything since that happened in February.

    I'm thankful that she realized that things might not be easy for me. She has 8 kids so I know she could never really understand what it's like to not get pregnant (I'm pretty certain they've never experienced "trying"), but she had talked to a friend about it and wanted to make sure I knew about it.

    I like that at least with my family, I can count on there not being any horribly awkward conversations. Unfortunately my MIL might be a whole different can of worms.

  18. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: oh my goodness. that sounds like heaven I miss bonfires. You can't beat that! Being that close to the highway is awesome!! So happy for you!

  19. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @ballerinabee: right!! Hope is a crazy thing
    Wishing you so much luck at the RE. I hope it goes well and that you walk out feeling refreshed about your journey!
    Praise that her surgery went well but certainly hope they can get those hallucinations figured out! Hang in there!

    @MaryM: FX for a later O!!! Sounds like you've really been blessed with a sweet SIL. How wonderful.

  20. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    Well, I think that I'm out I started spotting and that coupled with no BFP a few days ago, I'm thinking that AF showed. I'll double check tonight with a wondfo, considering other ladies that have had spotting and pregnancy lately.

    Onto cycle 17 or 18 - not quite sure..

  21. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @NorthStar: I am so sorry, friend.

  22. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @NorthStar: Sorry to hear it. Have you seen an RE yet?

  23. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    No, there isn't one where I live. I'm seeing an ob and there is a doctor in the practice that specializes in infertility, does iui's, etc. (not sure about ivf). I've done two cycles of letrozole and our plan was 3 to then decide next steps.

    I could drive to Minneapolis for an re, but it's over a two hour drive and I start tax season hours in January

    I'll see what the nurse says when she calls tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll continue with acupuncture.

    @Bea: thanks

  24. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @NorthStar: I'm so sorry, be good to yourself

    Some good news on my end, dh got a job promotion! Hoping the good luck stays with us through the rest of the month!

  25. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @MrsKRB: yay! That's great!
    I had some light cramps and insomnia in the middle of the night. Now I'm exhausted! Grrr... Itching to test but trying to hold out until Saturday.

  26. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @MrsKRB: That's wonderful!!! Congrats to DH!!

    @travellingbee: Hang in there What dpo are you?

  27. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @travellingbee: can't wait for you to test!

  28. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Bea: 9dpo
    @MrsKRB: thank you! I'm feeling impatient!

  29. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @ballerinabee: Hope you have a great appointment today!!!

  30. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    December Miracles
    12/20: travellingbee
    12/23: pinkcupcake
    12/24: Bea
    12/28: MrsKRB, SarahNicole218
    12/31: YogiRunner, Crystal

    TBD: AmeliaBedilia, raspberries

    Cheerleaders babycanuck

    @YogiRunner: @Crystal: @raspberries: just wanted to check in with you girls...how are you doing?

    Everyone What is your favorite song and artist during this season?! Mine would probably be Silent Night by Elvis Presley

  31. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @bea thanks for checking in! CD 15, still waiting for the wondfo OPK to turn positive. We leave on Friday for a trip halfway around the world that will take over 24 hours, so hoping it turns positive before we leave! But all the O symptoms are there, so I think I'm almost there

    And I cannot narrow down just one favorite song this season... it's the experience of hearing all the classics together that makes me nostalgic and happy!

  32. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Bea: I'm still waiting for AF to show up - I'm on CD 79 right now, but I finished a provera course 10 days ago, so it should be showing up in the next 4 days. I'm also on metformin for the first time and my stomach is all kinds of unhappy, so I've kind of been laying low. Totally hoping AF comes sooner rather than later, so I'm not miserable with that AND the metformin side effects over Christmas!

    My favorite Christmas song is Nat King Cole's version of... um, apparently it's called The Christmas Song? Hahaha, I guess I never knew that. It's the one that opens with "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire"!

  33. ballerinabee

    apricot / 452 posts

    @NorthStar: I'm so sorry Hopefully 2015 will be a better year.
    @MrsKRB: Congrats to your DH! That's wonderful
    @YogiRunner: I hope you O before that long plane ride, so and fingers crossed for you!! I hope you're going someplace wonderful. Sounds like an adventure!
    @raspberries: I cannot imagine having cycles that long! It must be so hard to wait and wait. Here's hoping for AF so you can get it over with and have a Merry Christmas!

    @Bea: Thanks! I'm having really mixed emotions after our appt with the RE, which I guess is to be expected. I feel like we wasted the last 4 months because he wants to repeat all the tests we've already had (day 3 blood work with a vaginal ultrasound this time), semen analysis (with a wash this time), as well as do an HSG and some other blood work.

    I'm CD9 now, so we scheduled my HSG for this Friday at 9. Those who've had it - how long does it take? Should I work from home afterwards, or will I be fine to go to work? (I guess I'm not sure if I should expect to be crampy after or just during).

    DH will have his semen analysis + wash on Dec 30. Then I'll have the day 3 bloods & ultrasound in a few weeks if this cycle is a bust. It feels good to have a plan, I just wish we could have done all of this in August, instead of screwing around with my OB. I'm excited to have the testing scheduled so we can get to a plan of intervention!

    Favorite holiday song: probably Carol of the Bells. I love most versions, but the Trans-Siberian Orchestra version immediately jumps to mind. I love the holidays!

  34. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @ballerinabee: Thanks! I hope that 2015 is much better too!

    You should be able to go to work after your HSG. They blocked off 2 hours for me (1 hour for registration and 1 for procedure). It took me 10-15 minutes to register and maybe 20 minutes for the procedure. So, I had a lot of down time waiting..I had minimal cramping afterwards as it was just during the procedure itself. It didn't work for me this time, but many women get pregnant either the cycle of an HSG or one or two after.

    oh - be sure to bring a pad to wear after the procedure. They use iodine and it can come out and be pretty nasty!

  35. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @ballerinabee: I found the hsg totally painless. Make sure you take advil 1/2 hour before. I've heard others say it hurt though...

  36. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @YogiRunner: Nostalgia is a wonderful thing! I hope you get your positive OPK when you need it!

    @raspberries: Oh, no. Hope you start feeling better soon!
    LOL I love that song too!!

    @ballerinabee: I can understand the mixed emotions. Hopefully things get lined out! My HSG experience was good. Not painful at all just lots of pressure. My appt was at 9 and I was out by 930-940. I didn't go back to work but easily could have. Had mild cramping until noon. They gave me a pad at the clinic. Check out this thread if you're like me and you want to read more experiences: http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/share-your-hsg-experience

  37. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    I got a squinter this morning at 10dpo on a FRER and a shadow on a Wondfo. Happy but terrified it's another chemical. Hoping it's just really early... Can't see much in the picture but here ya go-

    Eat this one with a flash:

  38. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @travellingbee: I've been following and just wanted to say Congrats! I see it in the second picture! I have my FX crossed very hard that this is it for you!

  39. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @travellingbee: fx this one sticks, girl!!

  40. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @travellingbee: Ahhhh, hope this is it for you!

    @Bea: @ballerinabee: Thanks ladies!

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