OK, so, apologies in advance, I already posted this (yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry!) on the Charters of the Hive, however, I'm slightly panicked. I was initially wondering what was up with my chart, as I'm at Day 40 of my cycle (1st one after coming off BCP for 10 years!) and still haven't gotten my period, and my chart pattern is...ridiculous.

Background to the chart, I had a colposcopy done around Day12/13, so I couldn't chart CM. After that, I then got sick and had a fever...on Days 14-15. So I totally just assumed (mistake 1!) that I O'ed on like, Day 15-16 (even though I had a fever...), as I got two positive OPKs the days before. Sooo...totally forgot about illness delaying ovulation (sorry TCOYF!)... Anyway, since I totally thought I had already O'ed, we've been BDing without worry (mistake 2!)!

One of the fabulous ladies on Charters pointed out that maaaaybe I just O'ed on Day 36 and to watch my temps the next few days to see if they keep going up... Holy balls. So, yes, we've been planning on starting to seriously TTC...starting Jan. 1st, so it isn't like it'd be totally unplanned or anything...but...man, here I thought I was SOOOO on top of things!!! Anyway, in the next days/weeks, I guess we'll see what happened!
