I am exclusively breastfeeding our 4 week old son and he has been eating well and steadily gained weight. In the last 2 weeks or so, we have noticed he has been really fussy after feedings with lots of gas and he just seems really uncomfortable and in pain. We attributed it to normal newborn fussiness, but while we were at the pediatrician's office today for his one month checkup, his poop was green with streaks of blood in it. Had we not been at the office already I probably would have panicked! The pediatrician said he probably has an intolerance to cow's milk protein. Today has been his fussiest day ever and it makes complete sense...yesterday for breakfast I had a bowl of cereal, yogurt with lunch, cheese before dinner, and a bowl of ice cream for dessert. I feel so horrible that I am the reason he has been so miserable. So now I need to eliminate dairy from my diet. My question is, how do I do this? Do I need to cut out all forms of dairy, even if it is cooked into food? Do I just need to stop eating raw forms of it? I know this is somewhat common, so hopefully some experienced mamas can help me out. I just want our little guy to feel better!