I'm just wondering if anyone ever broached the subject of TTC with close friends/family and received negative feedback?
Here's our situation: I'm about to turn 30 and DH is 28, turning 29. We've been together for 3 years, and married for 7 months. We have both always known we wanted a family. When we were engaged, we discussed starting to TTC in May 2014. At that time, we were both working full-time. During our engagement, however, DH decided that if he wanted to advance in his career, he would need to go back to school for his master's degree (in biomedical engineering.) We figured out how to swing that financially, without having to take out loans, and he quit his job and started school, with me continuing to work full-time and him TAing for a stipend. We decided to push off TTC until the fall of 2014, October or November. He may be able to finish up school in December 2014, if not, he'll be done in May 2015. We figured (assuming I get pregnant as soon as we start TTC) that by the time the baby came, he'd have a job again. I know the job market isn't great but he would at least be able to find SOMETHING to provide an income while he kept searching for his dream job.
A little more background info: We currently live in a 2-bedroom apartment, which could accommodate a baby, but it's a little tight, and the kitchen is tiny. We're going to look at a 3-bedroom apartment tomorrow, with the idea that, if we do end up pregnant and haven't bought a house yet, we'll have more room.
Which leads me to the purpose of this post. I mentioned to my mom that we were looking at this apartment, and why, and she launched into a huge diatribe about how DH and I are not ready for a baby, that it would be irresponsible to TTC while DH was in school, that we couldn't afford it, that I wouldn't be able to handle the stress, etc. I mean, she went on and on, telling me I had to think long and hard about this, that there were far more cons than pros, and just kept mentioning that we wouldn't be able to afford it.
It was really disappointing and upsetting to me. I understand that we're not in the most secure position in the world, but as far as I am concerned, we've been incredibly responsible with what we do have. We follow a budget, live below our means, have a decent chunk of money in savings, each have a Roth IRA we max out annually, etc.
I've known since I was a little girl that I want to be a mom, and since I'm fast-approaching 30 and want more than one, and know that TTC can sometimes take a while, that there are miscarriage risks, etc, I don't see a reason to push it off another year or two while we wait for everything to be "perfect." I understand 30 isn't old, but I'd like to be done having kids by 35.
My mom's reaction just knocked me down. I felt like she was lecturing a girl in her very early 20s who just wanted a baby because they're cute, not a 30-year-old who has considered all the angles. She even used the phrase "don't rush into anything"! At 30 and saying we're *considering* TTC in another 6 months, I hardly feel like we're rushing!
I know TTC timelines are completely personal and up to the couple, but it was kind of hard to realize she may not be supportive or would be judging us. It was a blow to my confidence.
I'm just wondering if anyone else encountered this, and if the negative person's outlook changed if/once you become pregnant?