I don't know if it impacted my decision or not. I wanted multiple LOs before having kids and now I am one and done.
There are a variety of reasons! Our family dynamic works great and I don't want to alter it. I had a hard birth and breastfeeding experience. LO is a great, easy kid and I worry the next one will be difficult. And the financial aspects of an extra child, of course.
I have a girl. I actually was hoping for a boy, but having the opposite gender doesn't really make me want to go for more. For some reason I feel like we'll definitely have another girl, and I just don't feel the need for two girls. If I could guarantee a boy, I might go for it. I don't know if that sounds super weird!
Did the gender of your first LO(s) impact how many kids you had? Did you "go for" the other gender?