I originally wanted 4-5
Then after T was born I was at 3
Now at 7 months I'm pretty sure 2 will do. Lol
I originally wanted 4-5
Then after T was born I was at 3
Now at 7 months I'm pretty sure 2 will do. Lol
97 votes
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
Yes... I always wanted 4, Dh has always been pretty adamant on 2, but I thought I could get 3 out of him.
After having DD I will be happy with 2, haha. Dh wins
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I always said 2-3. Dh said 1-2. After our first we both are feeling very good about 2, but there were a few months there where it was looking like C might be an only child.
I still have no idea how people manage to have two, much less more than two, but I also believe I'll handle it when the time comes.
pomegranate / 3314 posts
Have one, pregnant with #2. Originally wanted 3, but this pregnancy is kicking my ass and I just don't know whether I want to do this again.
papaya / 10473 posts
I wanted 3. Now that we have one, I'm good with one. Remote possibility of 2.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
I wanted two or three. Then was good w two.
After experiencing a chemical last cycle, I want three. Maybe four. But that's probably just hormones talking. Most likely three though
pineapple / 12234 posts
I wanted 1-2 but changed my mind to 3 (luckily, DH eventually got baby fever after having our second!)
pineapple / 12053 posts
i wanted 3 and after having 1, we still want 3! we'll see if that changes after #2!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
I wanted 3. Now I'm at 2 maybe 3. I'm pregnant with #2 right now & am hitting a little bit of pregnancy depression (which I totally didn't have with my first) in addition to LO going into toddler hood & her just being generally whiny & having at least 30 minutes of intense crying on the daily, I'm feeling tapped out. Hopefully my hormones will level out after the first tri & I'll be able to think more clearly.
cantaloupe / 6751 posts
I wanted two, at least three. After LO, I'm just so content with just her- I can't imagine having another. I'm perfectly happy with just one.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
I was surprised, after always planning for three kids, that we seriously considered stopping after one as much as we have.
But we are still planning to have another bio kid, starting to TTC when the first is about 2 1/2, and then planning to foster/adopt a third child.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
Always wanted two. Now we are thinking one. DH is more in the one and done camp then I am. I know I am not ready now.
pomegranate / 3768 posts
Always wanted two and now trying for #2. Pretty sure we'll stop there.
persimmon / 1328 posts
I wanted 2, DH wanted 4-6. After LO #1, I agreed to 4. Now that I am pregnant with #2, I want ALL the babies! Due to #2s health issues, we may decide on fewer kids after he is born though.
watermelon / 14467 posts
I always wanted two and DH wanted 0... Now I'm thinking 2-3 would be nice and DH is on the fence for two.
papaya / 10343 posts
Yep. Prior to baby I was sure I wanted 2, but also had this feeling like maybe I'd love being one of those people with a million (okay, 4) kids. Now I have one and I'm like hmmmm maybe one is good. lol.
Also I was pretty sure I wanted 2 under 2 (or at least 2 under 2.5) and now I'm like F NO. If we have a second, I'd like them to be 3-5 years apart.
kiwi / 661 posts
I always wanted three.... but unless #2 comes as a package deal he or she will be it!
coconut / 8861 posts
Always wanted two. After LO was born, still pretty much only wanted two kids. Now I'm pregnant with #2 and happy it's the right number for us.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
Not after my first but it has a bit after the second! Not because she's a difficult baby, just because we are thinking life might be so much easier with two. We're still on the fence but if we do have a third, it won't be for at least a couple of years yet, giving us a 3 year age gap rather than a 19 month age gap!
pomelo / 5469 posts
Originally wanted 2-3, still want 2-3, but will have a 3yr+ age gap between the first 2, rather than 2 under 2 as I thought I would want.
cherry / 190 posts
I wanted at least 3, maybe 4. DH wants a "big" family, but not really specific. I also wanted small age gaps. Now that LO is 2 and I'm still not pregnant, I am learning to let go of planning and expectations and be grateful for what I do have.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
I always wanted 2 and am pregnant with #2. Curious if I'll end up wanting more, but I doubt it.
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
I wanted 2, DH wanted 5 (!!!!) but we're done at 2, haha
honeydew / 7917 posts
I wanted 2-3 kids, and DH wanted 2. After having my first I was one and done. The first year was hectic and so stressful. I couldn't imagine doing it all over again. I did change my mind right when LO1 started to become easier to take care of around 18 months. Now we're two and through.
apricot / 315 posts
We started out wanting 3-4, and now it's more like 2-3, mostly because of financial/life circumstances. But if I were to win the lottery before my baby making days were over, I would love 4 or 5!
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