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Did you find these car/car seat accessories necessary?

  1. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @lawbee11: Not totally related to the question you asked but also on topic...the infant car seat covers that go inside the car seat (not just over the carrier) actually affect the warranty and guarantee of the product - so make sure you pay attention when getting one of those...

    the one on our registry is the one that does not effect them if you want to check it out.

  2. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @Mrs D: Thanks! We're not planning to get a cover, though....it never gets that cold down here in Texas!

  3. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    We have cling sunshades on sides and back but no mirror due to hazard concerns. When we got it checked they specifically mentioned not to use one so we don't. I use a white fitted crib sheet to cover it from the sun when he's not in it!

  4. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    Mirror she loves, we use the car seat protector (saved the leather) we have 2 shades but haven't used either due to our cars having tinted windows and enough shade.

  5. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @scg00387: Where did you get your cling shades?

  6. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @runsyellowlites: I got these they work great http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006ZVV0NO/ref=wms_ohs_product?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and then this one isn't cling.. but I bought suction cups to stick it up. Not ideal, could still be harmful I suppose, but better than the rollers IMO. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005NA6FJ2/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i02?ie=UTF8&psc=1

  7. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    Our mirror is soft fabric and flexible plastic, for chrissakes. It doesnt weigh enough to do any damage and it wouldn't shatter in an impact (I accidentally ran it over one time, so I know this to be true. Didn't even crack).

    We have cling sunshades, the same ones as @scg00387: . I really like them.

  8. Crisark

    pomegranate / 3398 posts

    @zippylef: LOL I your posts...you always say what I'm thinking...
    We also use the nonlethal (enter sarcasm) mirror on the headrest which has been so nice to be able to check on her and we also use the sun shade even though the windows came tinted. We do not at this time use a seat cover.

  9. mrsbookworm

    pear / 1823 posts

    We have all three: I use the mirror and the sun shade. The car seat protector is still in the box. Maybe it will come in handy when he's older and has a drink/snack in the car?

  10. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    @lawbee11: My mirror is the shatterproof brica mirror

  11. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @zippylef: I think maybe this type is what a lot of people picture or are referring to (my MIL gave us one) http://www.amazon.com/Dreambaby-Deluxe-Baby-View-Mirror/dp/B002FQKB5G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1371672715&sr=8-1&keywords=dreambaby+mirror

    But, I should've elaborated that even using one that I think would be fine flying around in a car like the Brica one - for me personally I think it would be hazardous because I'd spend a ton of time looking up at him and not at the road. He is a noisy baby though, so I can easily tell if he is awake/asleep (or angry)!

  12. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    I have all 3 and the seat protector so far is more important to protect my leather seats from permanent indentations. I like the mirror to check in her if she's asleep or crying.

    I know you don't want unnecessary stuff, but thought I'd add one to your list: LulaClips! I just learned about these recently and wished I had them sooner! They're basicallyahnrts that hold the buckles. So good when you don't want to dig buckles out from under a (hopefully) sleeping baby!

  13. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    @Mrsbells: This is the one we have also.


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