If so, why? And how was your pregnancy different because of it?
I was technically high risk for both because I was over 35. But I didn't have any extra monitoring (other than the blood test for genetic disorders).
If so, why? And how was your pregnancy different because of it?
I was technically high risk for both because I was over 35. But I didn't have any extra monitoring (other than the blood test for genetic disorders).
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Ugh yes. DS1 I had preterm labor. DS2 I had a suspected growth restriction. With our angel, I was AMA. This pregnancy, I'm still AMA and now we've had a late term loss so I'm sure I'll be high risk again. Yayyyyy.
apricot / 431 posts
Currently in one. We lost our baby boy in June from a super rare and in our case, fatal condition. I'm also 35.... I will have earlier and extra monitoring with MFM. If all is well, I will hopefully get to be "normal" after the anatomy scan. I loved being pregnant with my daughter. I wasn't sick and ignorantly wasn't "that" worried about the thousands of things that can go wrong. I have lots of anxiety this time around and can't bring myself to daydream about this baby yet. My friend is due about a month after me and she is already talking about double strollers, etc. I'm kind of jealous that she (understandably) can let herself get excited already.
coconut / 8483 posts
They never said those words to me... But with dd I had a 2 vessel cord and had to have an echo done on her while pregnnt(all was fine) and growth monitoring ultrasounds every 4 weeks. I think I had the potential to go high risk, but everything stayed ok?
pineapple / 12793 posts
I did with my second two because my first was LGA. I just got extra growth scans. DD3 ended up in NICU care because she was so large.
I had a few extra scans with DD3 because of a short interval between pregnancies. They were worried I'd rupture.
pear / 1837 posts
Yes, my last pregnancy was high risk because of a clotting disorder (which had unknowingly caused a miscarriage and a birth loss/stillbirth), and I was also over 35. The entire pregnancy was very stressful, I had high anxiety. I saw my regular OB or MFM every week. Blood thinner shots and baby aspirin daily. And an early scheduled C-section. Luckily baby was perfect, but I'm glad I won't ever have to go through all of that again.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Both of my pregnancies were/are high risk. Age and blood pressure.
pear / 1930 posts
I was for a few weeks due to ventriculomegaly, but by early third tri the ventricles were measuring normally. Even though I was dismissed from MFM I still felt high risk the entire time.
pomelo / 5524 posts
With LO1, I was high risk because I had gestational diabetes. They wanted to induce me the day after LO was due, but I went into labor 2 nights before he was due. I was glad he came on his own even though it was a scary birth. Prior to him coming, I had twice weekly non-stress tests to ensure that he was still doing ok beginning at 36 weeks. During one of them, they were worried about his fluid, so I got an extra ultrasound.
For LO2, I was high risk for a few different reasons. I was AMA, and I had 4 miscarriages by that point. I had a uterine surgery to clear scar tissue, so I was at risk for placenta accreta. Because I went through a fertility specialist, I was monitored by her for the first 10 weeks with a weekly ultrasound once I got pregnant because of my repeat pregnancy loss. Once I was turned over to my OB, I had an ultrasound on a monthly basis due to the risk of placenta accreta. Overall, it was a lot more ultrasounds and was nice to see him more often. I had a scheduled C-section with him, and it was far calmer than my emergency C-section with LO1.
olive / 67 posts
Yes, because with my first and this one I am over 35 and have gestational diabetes. Plus, I just had half my pancreas removed this summer and we're still not sure how well it's working.
honeydew / 7230 posts
Yes, because I was pregnant with twins. Technically my MFM also considered me high risk because it was an IVF pregnancy. I had extra monitoring appointments with MFM to check the kids' growth as well as monitor my cervix, since cervical shortening can be an issue in twin pregnancies. I also had an US at every appt with a my regular OB to see their heart beats and position.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Yes and yes; GD both times. And this time technically low PAPP-A but I haven't had any of the related symptoms/issues.
nectarine / 2821 posts
I didn't until my due date when I went into labor and ended up with preeclampsia and hellp syndrome! Quite a surprise. Next time illl be on aspirin and need an extra growth ultrasound and probably will be considered high risk but hopefully everything will be fine!
persimmon / 1272 posts
Yes...twin pregnancy. Saw my OB & a perinatalologist. I had extra ultrasounds to monitor growth & fluid levels. I had low PAPP-A.......shortened cervix (progesterone supplements for that) and in the final week developed pre-e. The last week I was pregnant I had a doctor appointment every day! Hah. Oh and we did an echo cardiogram around 28ish weeks because ivf babies are at risk for heart issues.
Babies born healthy! So to me the extra monitoring was extra opportunities to see and hear them!!!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
I don't think so? I'm AMA with a history of loss but no one has ever used the term high risk with me. I haven't had any extra monitoring, and in fact I've been asked to come in less often this time around than the last time (instead of appts every 2 weeks for most of 3rd tri, my practice is apparently now doing them every 3 weeks). The only change this time was that I was able to get the materni21 test done due to my age.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
I became higher risk with LO2 because of a shortened cervix at 30w now with that history and my twin pregnancy I am high risk. But for now all is good.
honeydew / 7463 posts
Mine was considered high risk because of Cholestasis but I didn't find out I had it till 35/36 weeks and was induced at 37+2 because of it. So I was high risk for like a week. Haha.
The chance of recurrence in future pregnancies is pretty high (I think about 70%), but I'm not sure if that automatically means high risk for future pregnancies?? I should find out.
pomelo / 5509 posts
This is my first pregnancy and I'm considered high risk due to a blood clotting disorder. I give myself blood thinner injections daily and take a baby aspirin. I have ultrasounds with MFM every 4 weeks and then it'll be weekly at the end. It also looks like I have GD...
apricot / 444 posts
I don't think my OB considers me high-risk but my paperwork all says I am because of a low Papp-a level. I'll have two additional ultrasounds with the MFM office but that's all I'm aware of.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
Technically, yes, due to GD but the only change to my care was seeing an OB 2-3 times and having two growth scans.
blogger / kiwi / 588 posts
I had GD with DS and with DD I had vasa praevia which they caught at the beginning of my third trimester. Everything was fine until then.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
I am considered high risk when I am pregnant. I have a heart
condition, plus history of preterm labor. It doesn't seem to really effect me too much tho.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
Georgia was low risk. Claire was high risk with the cervical issues.
kiwi / 631 posts
My PAPP-A was very low, and my AFP was higher than normal. I also had a two vessel umbilical cord, so I received extra ultrasounds throughout my pregnancy. DS was measuring right on track during the monitoring, but was born only 6lb, 5oz at 39 weeks.
clementine / 955 posts
Maybe? I was diagnosed with pre-e at 34 weeks and was delivering at 36, with ridiculous high blood pressure that didn't go down until 9 weeks pp. if I was to ever have another baby(I'm not) I would definitly be high risk then.
cherry / 129 posts
I'm in one now due to identical twins. I'm also 36, but none of my doctors have mentioned that as an issue. Everything is going smoothly so far so I want to keep this up.
cherry / 121 posts
I was high risk automatically because I have poorly controlled asthma. They did a couple extra ultrasounds and then nst testing from 34 weeks on. The steroids I take to control my asthma can cause low fluid. Ended up being induced at 37 weeks for high blood pressure. I'm sure I'll be high risk next time too, since now there's asthma and the hypertension.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
@travellingbee: No not quite that was just a weird word order, only 25+1w today. With LO2 my cervix shortened at 30w.
pomegranate / 3863 posts
Yeah, I only have 1 kidney so pregnancy puts crazy amounts of stress on my body. I will have pre eclampsia with each pregnancy and my babies will always be born no later than 37 weeks and need nicu time. it sucks!
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