I think a couple of days ago I started to have a little freak out. I'm 18 weeks pregnant.

I just felt overwhelmed by all the things I have to learn and do to be a good parent..from types of diapers and baby "stuff" to circumcision, to sleep arrangements/schedules, to daycare, to where we're going to live/buy (since we rent), to education, values, religion (I was raised in a religion but now don't practice any religion) to all the things that happen during adolescence...AAAH!

Most days I feel pretty confident, but now that I'm almost halfway there it just feels like time is moving both fast and slow at the same time.

I try to remember it's not all going to happen at once.

So, did you have a during pregnancy/adoption process freak out about parenting? I'd love to hear about others' experiences.