So DS is 13 months and so far we have one canine that has poked through and I see lots of swelling and I think another canine is coming and a molar. Teething has been completely different this time tho! So much easier on DH and I and him. I hope I'm not speaking too soon!

When he was around 9 months, it was teething hell. He had 6 teeth pop through in one month and for about 2 months he was waking up inconsolably crying multiple times a night. It was awful for all of us and DH and I were so exhausted.

This time around, we didn't even know he was teething. He did have a runny nose, slight fever for a day, and a few more wakings than usual but nothing like the last time.

Did we just get lucky or is the worst yet to come? I really hope it stays like this while his canines and molars come in.

Did your LO have an easier time with their molars and canines?