Did anyone have to move after finding out they were pregnant or having LO?
It is super early still, but we've been thinking about what we will do when the time gets closer. Currently, we live in a good sized 1 bedroom, about 850 sq ft (we live right in the city-- that's a decent size!). Our apartment has lots of perks-- great neighborhood, our rent is totally under market value, we have friends on our street, laundry on our floor, and an entrance to the building on the ground floor so no stairs with a stroller. BUT, it's still a 1 bedroom and this future LO will need his or her own room at some point in the not too distant future. It's not laid out in a way where we could create private nook, it would just be a crib/rock n play in our bedroom (unless we can keep a baby in a walk in closet? No, right?) We could rearrange the bedroom in a way that would allow for the baby stuff, but I wonder if it is worth it.

So, if you needed to move, did you do it before or after LO was born? I figure we will need a second bedroom by the time LO is about 4-6 months old, which would put us in the winter, so not ideal. While saving money is nice, we can afford a bigger place now, though we won't be in our neighborhood anymore.

And, we want to buy a house in a few years, but aren't ready to move out of the city yet, so we'll be renting for a couple more years no matter what.
Sorry this got so long!