I didn't notice anything after DD1 except leaking pee (who doesn't??), but after I had DD2, I had horrible seasonal allergies and I found out I can't drink white wine anymore (gives me migraines within and hour of having a sip).
I didn't notice anything after DD1 except leaking pee (who doesn't??), but after I had DD2, I had horrible seasonal allergies and I found out I can't drink white wine anymore (gives me migraines within and hour of having a sip).
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
I have a lot of sensory anxiety that I don't recall having before LO. I get really anxious if my surroundings are too bright (like if I forget my sunglasses or commute with the sun constantly in my face). And I am really sensitive to loud noises or a sudden noise in a quiet space (like someone coughing or the door opening/closing).
I know these are things that people commonly find bothersome, but they give me stomach aches and my heart races, so it is more than just a general nuisance for me.
watermelon / 14467 posts
I have hair in weird places now (like my chin) that was never there before and my skin is much worse. Oddly, my allergies are way better but I have at least two sinus infections a year now whereasI very rarely got them before.
eggplant / 11408 posts
Motion sickness amplified times a zillion.
Not me, but my MIL's hair turned from bright red to brown after she had my DH, her first. And after my mom had me, also her first, her seasonal allergies went completely away. She was on allergy shots before, and after she didn't need them ever again!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@avivoca: I didn't see your response before I posted mine. My mom's went away, too!
@DillonLion: I developed social anxiety after my losses. In fact, postpartum, my anxiety has been much more in general than before. I actively need to manage it now, whereas before, I didn't.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I didn't get migraines after C was born until I got pregnant with G two years later. It was so great! Though that might have been because of the acupuncture I did while pregnant. Now I'm afraid they are back.
Also I'm less sensitive to lactose.
apricot / 343 posts
@DillonLion: I am the same with bright lights after having my daughter! It almost makes me feel dizzy. (I think noises gave me anxiety since the day I was born though, ha. Misophonia. It's real!)
honeydew / 7622 posts
I cry more/am teary over little things. It's the worst. I liked crying extremely rarely.
pomegranate / 3706 posts
No pee leakage- I'm lucky there! My formerly absolutely stick straight hair, not a single natural hint of a wave in sight, is now straight up curly in the back.
nectarine / 2591 posts
My hair lost it's curl. It's back now I am pregnant again, I hope it sticks around.
pomegranate / 3580 posts
I'm more sensitive to constant loud noises than I used to be. Like a sudden car horn blast doesn't bother me, but if I notice a constant loud sound, like if the TV or music is turned up high, it's like I HAVE to have it turned down right away. It's not always true (I still love to turn up music loud to rock out), but it definitely happens more now! Maybe it's just my heightened mom senses wanting a quiet house
@LovelyPlum: Same! Motion sickness if I sit in the backseat for too long now
@LAZB: Crazy!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@DillonLion: @Fussygal: me too! I am ok if I'm in a loud crowded place alone, but if I'm with the kids I start to flip out and have to leave right away. I'm so focused on keeping an eye on them, I can't deal with distractions very well.
I also have really dry feet, like shoe leather. I hope they go back to normal someday
watermelon / 14206 posts
My hair has always been straight as a board, but now one small section of the back is curly, after going through my pregnancy with S.
persimmon / 1431 posts
I used to have straight hair, now kids curly. I also have white hair now. Tons of it!
papaya / 10570 posts
Oh my goodness, I have the sensory anxiety thing too! I hadn't thought of it as a postpartum change, I just figured I was losing it!
My hair is curly now and my feet are bigger.
pomegranate / 3779 posts
My immune system is shot - I get sick ALL.THE.TIME. And I get carsick if I read in the car which I never used to.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@mrs.shinerbock: I feel like I've been getting sick more too but I blamed lack of sleep and having a toddler- so I'm hoping its temporary.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
Food related allergies. I now cannot eat fennel and avocados. Both are things I loved to eat before pregnancy.
pomegranate / 3231 posts
I am less sensitive to hot weather than I used to be. I still dislike it but not to the same extreme as I used to.
My body has basically required rehab. It took a long time (18 months) for me to add self care back into my routine, and by that point the muscles in my legs -- esp my calves and IT bands -- were so tight and such a mess that I was practically limping, and I had chronic aches and pains in various places. For the past five months I have been going to the gym and working with a(n expensive!) personal trainer to address all these issues. It is a slow process and a big time commitment, but it's definitely working to address my problems.
Oooooh, and I get drunk way more easily! But I think that is from barely drinking for so long, plus age.
pomelo / 5573 posts
I can't sleep without something covering my ears! I sleep on my side and for the ear that's on top I have to either pull hair over it or pull the blankets up covering it. It's so weird.
honeydew / 7230 posts
My hair became wavy in some spots, where before my hair was stick straight. My skin is much more sensitive and I've been dealing with random hives/rashy patches. My sense of smell is very strong. It's like pregnancy nose never left!
pomegranate / 3863 posts
@youboots: Same! I was never a crier until I had my DS. It's been 3 years now and things have settled down a little bit but I still am more emotional than I was pre-baby.
pomelo / 5720 posts
I have vertigo and motion sickness in the car now. I used to be able to read, etc while DH drove but now I can't even turn around to talk to the kids without feeling dizzy/nauseous.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
I have tiny little skin tags on my neck (got them while pregnant and they never went away). Also, my tastes in television changed from crime dramas to comedies and "feel good" shoes. I think I just got more emotional/sensitive.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@DillonLion: @Fussygal: @Mama Bird: Same here on the sensitivity to loud music/sounds! So weird!! DH loves listening to things loud and I always cringe and ask him to turn it down. Funny enough, DS seems to be also so he's been telling DH "daddy! Too loud!!" lol!!
I used to not like sweet tea, but during my pregnancy with DS and post-partum, I'm a sweet tea fiend. It's bad!!!
Interested to see what changes happen with DD!
nectarine / 2115 posts
After DD I was lactose intolerant. I'm pregnant now and it seems to have gotten better with pregnancy... We'll see what happens after DS is born.
pomelo / 5678 posts
I have a lot of the ones already mentioned. I prefer not to be in super overstimulating indoor environments with LO. Also, I became very sensitive about hunting and eating meat. DH used to hunt and completely stopped for this reason after DD was born. We also stopped eating meat short of very rarely having chicken or fish. I became even more of a bleeding heart.
persimmon / 1328 posts
My hair lost a lot of its curl during my first pregnancy, and it didn't come back until about 18 months pp. So far this time it has stuck around which I am glad about - I hated the lack of volume! My skin has also been SO much better ever since having kids - apart from the first trimester teenage acne stage with LO2.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
i get motion sickness and vertigo so easily now. My PMS is also unreal. I don't remember ever being this sensitive/emotional pre-kids.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
My hair is darker and I get hives from the cold. my co-worker ended up with celiacs after her first pregnancy.
cherry / 125 posts
When my son was 2 months old I broke out in itchy hives all over my body that lasted for 2 weeks. Nothing helped, it was miserable! The dermatologist said it was probably related to the pregnancy....never expected that one!
apricot / 443 posts
My regular dry skin has turned into full blown eczema. When I was pregnant I had zero skin problems and not only did they come back postpartum, but they got worse! Blerg!
pomelo / 5258 posts
I get motion sickness more easily like many other posters.
I have way less general anxiety. I hope that stays.
I am way more sensitive to caffeine. I can only have one cup of Folgers or similar. If I have any more caffeine I turn into a huge bitch monster. I have to remove myself from people and it in a room alone which doesn't work so well at work or as a mother of 2.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@LovelyPlum: Same as your mom with seasonal allergies! Since having kids, mine hasn't been nearly as bad and is practically non-existent!
@catlady: Skin tags on the neck - yep! Got those too.
And the leaking pee issue, of course.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
My taste buds completely changed after #2. I like some potatoes now (haven't my entire life) and can't stand the thought of eating Chinese food...a former favorite.
grape / 78 posts
I developed some kind of egg intolerance from about 2 months PP until now-ish, which is about 7.5 months PP. I just started being able to eat a fried egg this past weekend.
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