(I'm not sure that this is in the right board, so feel free to move it!)

DH & I were talking about kids in the car this weekend, as we always do. We got on the topic of when his parents will come visit after we have our first baby. He said he thought they'd either come near my due date, or as soon as I go into labor. This doesn't surprise me, and of course DH will be thrilled to show off his first child to his parents!

Still, part of me couldn't help but wish they would hold off for a couple weeks. It stresses me out enough when they visit - I can't imagine how stressful it will be when I'm a new mom! I have already made up my mind that we will ask them to stay in a hotel, but I don't know how long they'd come. They will be retired so they could come for weeks - who knows!

Did your in-laws come right away or did they wait a little? How long did they stay? Did they stay with you?