Hellobee Boards


Did your LO affect your future family plans?

  • poll: Family plans
    Didn't change : (67 votes)
    64 %
    Decided on more LO's : (10 votes)
    10 %
    Decided on less LO's : (22 votes)
    21 %
    My plans stayed the same but SO's changed : (5 votes)
    5 %
  1. MrsBeluga

    apricot / 442 posts

    We still want 2-3 kiddos, but like others have said at least 2-3 years apart. I never knew how much I could love my little baby, and now that she is here, I don't want to have another too soon, I want to just enjoy her and spoil her for a while.

    However, I am completely freaked out about delivering/recovering from another birth though (60 hour induction with emergency forceps delivery). Easy pregnancy, easy BF, awful nightmare delivery

  2. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    Didn't change. But I could see how people would keep wanting more and more kids. I thought 3 would be crazy before, but now I understand the desire for more. Not that I'll be attempting 3!

  3. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    No change. Wanted 3 before and still do. Praying they're as easy babies as R was. Toddlerhood is a whole new game though! Ha.

  4. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    No change. I still want 3 and we've agreed to see how we do with 2 and take it from there. Lets hope the potential #2 is as easy as B!

  5. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    Same as you, @mrstiz: now there's no way I'm going to feel ready to TTC again when she's a year, so I'm happy waiting another year so they're at least 3yrs apart and settling for 2 rather than 3.

  6. SweetMamaM

    pear / 1743 posts

    Went from maybe 3 to definitely 2 and through. LO is a very demanding baby and that has made us seriously reconsider how much energy we have to dedicate to future children. My midwife also wants me to wait at least a year to TTC - my iron levels got very low during pregnancy- so that's pushed our timeline out further and I would like to have finished childbearing in my early 30s (I'm 29 now).

  7. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    Always wanted 2, even though my first LO was rough.

  8. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    Pre-baby, our ideal was 2. Now we're undecided if we want another. We've had sometime to think about it (LO's turning 2 this summer), but we're still on the fence. We'd prefer a three year+ spacing anyway, so there's a little time.

  9. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    It did change, yeah. The plan was to TTC around E's first birthday but that was before I knew how challenging parenting really is and how expensive daycare is! I think, as well, E makes me feel complete and while I do still want another child (I'd really like two more but I don't think it's on the cards for us) I don't feel any kind of rush right now. I'm content with my little family right now.

    .....and, I repeat, it's really, really hard work!! Gah!


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