We have 2 pups. One is almost 2 and the other is 6 months behind her. The older one, who has always been more chill has gotten even MORE chill. I am talking will play maybe a little during the day and suddenly HATES going outside. (Something that used to be her favorite thing in the world!) She will go out to potty but freaks if we leave her out to play with her sister (who is as hyper as ever). If we even get up and walk toward the kitchen which is where the backdoor is, she runs upstairs and tried to go into our bedroom which is where her bed is. WE thought something had changed out there but nothing has changed at all. No new dogs, no new things... nothing.

She has become unbelievably skiddish and will bark at the wind blowing or a neighbor shutting their car door incessantly. And she wont. leave. my. side. I mean, she doesn't want to cuddly anymore, at all. But she always has to be near me, unless my DH is home, then she wont come anywhere near me. It is all very weird for her. This has all started within the last few months, after I found out I am pregnant.

I know some dogs can sense a change in hormones and it an effect them. Do you think this could be what is happening with her? Or should I be worried something else is going on?

Did your pets ever act differently when you were pregnant?