Hellobee Boards


Do "just you wait" comments bother you?

  • poll: Do "just you wait" type comments annoy you?
    Yes, they're really annoying! : (56 votes)
    44 %
    No, they don't bother me! : (40 votes)
    31 %
    They bothered me when I was pregnant - bloody hormones - but not so much now! : (22 votes)
    17 %
    Other : (10 votes)
    8 %
  1. PixieStix

    apricot / 322 posts

    They annoy me because I feel like I have enough to worry about, and the "just you wait" comments feel like they're saying, "Haha, it gets worse!" Or "If you think this phase is bad, you ain't seen nothin' yet!" There's also a sense of showiness when some people say them, as if they're so proud of their knowledge and being "ahead" of you, that they can help but pipe up and share what they know.

  2. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    Some do and some don't. The one that bothers me and DH are the ones when people ask if he sleep good and then when we say yes they say oh just wait that'll change which we've been told since LO was born and he's still the same good baby

  3. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @ElbieKay: I feel the same way

  4. farawayyama

    kiwi / 556 posts

    Typically they do. I don't need to constantly hear about how awful parenthood is. I am not an idiot - I assume there will be challenges, I don't need you to destroy the small amount of hope and anticipation I do have.

    Same as I always heard how awful marriage is. I naively listened to those comments and am pleasantly surprised as to how good it actually is!

  5. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @mrsrain: @ScarletBegonia: I also slept so much better after the baby was born. I could not sleep for the last 5-8 weeks of pregnancy - I was miserable!

    I HATED them while I was pregnant, but don't mind them so much now. People just like to complain and project their misery onto other people - I'm sure I do it plenty too
    Plus it's helpful to know that some things aren't all they're cracked up to be - like walking. People started 'just-you-waiting' me about walking, so I made sure to soak up the bliss of the non-walking stage instead of rushing it.

  6. hellocupcake

    persimmon / 1171 posts

    I sometimes say it unintentionally. Like at the store a guy asked how old LO was and said he had a 10 month old. I told him how lucky he was she's not mobile yet. Meaning: Just wait until she's walking and you'll be running around like I am. But, I always try to follow up with a positive version. With him I told him just wait until she can run and play, it's also so much more fun..when you're not trying to stay in line at the store

    I think everyone does it, just some don't do it so negatively. Those are the ones that bother me. The "you won't be able to handle it" type comments.

  7. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    I hate it! But I mostly get it from my own mom in response to ideas I have about how I want to try parenting. For example, I'll explain BLW to her and that I want to give it a try and she says "just you wait..." like it won't work out at all the way I hope. She says this for every parenting decision I discuss that's different from what she did....it's incredibly infuriating!

  8. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    I hate them SO VERY MUCH. Every stage has good and bad parts. EVERY stage. Looking at someone and being envious of the good part you see, then making that type of comment, is just sh!tting on someone else to make yourself feel better or to feel like a martyr. That mom probably forgot the negatives of having to do so much for your child before they can feed themselves, or walk, and have to be carried about, and need to eat more often, etc etc or whatever struggles you may have. People who told me "get sleep while you can!" while I was pregnant CLEARLY forgot how painful pregnancy can be and the insomnia and discomfort and peeing every 2 hours. I just don't get why people need to bring others down to bring themselves up... since we're moms we're in the same boat.

    But good for you for taking it positively and not letting it frustrate you!

  9. SnowLion

    cherry / 104 posts

    It really depends on how it comes off. If I get annoyed I gently remind people that every stage has its own issues. What really gets me is when people judge because a toddler is having a breakdown. I've gotten a lot of comments from older women about learning to control your child. I just smile and say "I'm sure your children were always perfect angels." That usually shuts them up.

  10. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    I hate them!!! I think they are so rude, and completely discounting a person's current experience.

    I remember being in soooo much pain with SPD that I couldn't stand for more than a few minutes with my first pregnancy. I mentioned to my mom that it made it hard to cook dinner. She said, "just you wait - its so much harder with a baby!" Was it? No!

    Of course, there were some things people were right about. I was way more tired with a newborn than in my third trimester. But that doesn't mean I wasn't tired in the third trimester! There are definitely things that looking back, I wish I had appreciated more. I complained bout being unemployed and then just working pt with my first pregnancy. Now I'm like, "omg I had so much free time! I could do whatever I wanted every afternoon with no one else to worry about! What on earth was I complaining about??" But when I was talking to a friend about her first pregnancy, I didn't say "man just you wait till your second, it's way harder!" I mean, I'm not in her shoes.

    So sure, there are times my gut reaction is "oh just you wait." But telling someone to appreciate what they have now by discounting their current suffering and trials doesn't work and isn't helpful.

  11. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    It only bothers me if the tone is condescending/patronising. Like "you think this is hard now? just wait until she starts crawling, walking, throwing tantrums etc." in a sort of 'I've been there, I've dealt with all of that and I'm better than you' tone!

  12. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    Sometimes when people see me with M, the "just you waits" come and then when I tell them I have another boy who is almost 7 and he was easy, they then go on to say how stressful my life will be with 2 boys...some people just have to put a negative spin on everything!

  13. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    Comments like that don't bother me at all. But when parent's of older children don't seem to remember what it was like to have a baby/toddler, it really pisses me off. Especially when they're assumptions about how "easy it should be", when in fact they themselves always had family helping. Grrrr.


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