My mom likes names that she thinks are unique. Most of them are yooooneek though. She said she heard someone named Mike but it was spelled Myk and she thought it was so great. She also just had a friend with a new grandson named Jackson, but also spelled very odd. She thought it was so "clever!"

Ah! Then she says she doesn't like names like Everett. She has very different taste then me! (also please note my name was #3 the year I was born, so I don't know where her sudden craving for yoooneekness is coming from!) I don't even know my dads opinions, but I have a feeling he would choose some odd options too.

My choices are all real names, out of the top 500 or so. Hers are all whacky spellings or in the top 50.

How do your name choices stack against your parents?