So I've been wearing my 7 week old baby in the Sleepy Wrap today and he has napped rather well...a little too well! This is his afternoon nap, and it's getting close to his bedtime! He hasn't eaten in 4 hours now and so I'm wondering if I should wake him up to feed him and then keep him awake for about 1.5 hours (or less if he shows signs of sleepiness) and then try to get him down for the night? I just don't know whether I should wake napping babies! It's so hard to get them to sleep in the first place that when it happens, I'm always wary of waking them up! I figure he would wake up on his own if he needed to, so what do you girls think? Do you ever wake up your LO if you find they are taking too long of a nap? Will this mess with their bedtime?