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Do you get irrationally annoyed when your SO is sick?

  1. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @travelgirl1: yes- if it was reciprocated I would be more sympathetic. But if I'm super sick on a weekday it's like, oh I hope you feel better. Let C watch a lot of TV. Which is fine but when do I get to lay all over the house, getting my germs on pretty much every surface, playing on my phone, while he takes care of both kids, feeds everyone, makes me tea, then washes all the surfaces I touched?? The most I've gotten is him stopping to pick up canned chicken noodle soup and coming home "early"- as in by 7 pm after I've already fed the toddler and started getting her ready for bed.

    Can you tell I'm bitter?

  2. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @Foodnerd81: I get bitter too. I freaking hate when DH pulls the sick big baby stuff with me. Add a newborn to the mix and I'd be losing my mind. Maybe I'd tell him to go stay at his parents until he's better.

    I hope he starts feeling better soon!

  3. pinkcupcake

    cantaloupe / 6751 posts

    Nope, I'm the much bigger baby. Haha. He's really good about not complaining unless he's deathly ill.

  4. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Autumnmama79: I actually yelled that I 'can't take care of three babies right now!' at lunch today. Bouncing the baby to sleep, the toddler whining and crying, and him playing on his phone on the couch. He's like, you don't want me to give them my germs! But that doesn't prevent you from loading the dishwasher, buddy.

  5. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @Foodnerd81: I feel your pain. Even when DH is not sick, the playing on the phone nearly drives me INSANE. Utterly useless. You've got your hands full!!

    Can you tell yourself that when he's better you're going for a mani/pedi, massage or solo trip to the mall?

  6. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    I got really annoyed with him all the time the first year or so of DS's life. Not sure it was irrational though . He just kept getting sick over and over. And the first several times it was like life had to stop so he could recover. He'd hole up in the guest room for like 3 days at time and everything would fall to me. There were times I had to wear DS in the middle of winter to take the dog out because apparently he couldn't handle just being in the same room as the baby and being responsible for him for 10 minutes. His excuse was "he didn't want to spread his germs". Uh ok.

    One time he got some sort of stomach virus and I ended up having to take him to the ER for 6 hours. DS was maybe 10 weeks old, and I had to wear him pretty much the entire time and walk in circles around the ER while DH laid in bed. This is after I was up all night with the baby, so I was running on empty. Then I had to take a screaming baby into Walgreens to get stuff for him, and I was such a FTM I couldn't figure out how to wrangle the baby and the cart and DS was screaming the whole time.

  7. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Foodnerd81: I'm still bitter about the time he got upset because I had to work when he was sick and he had to take care of our daughter. I left as soon as I could, but I was out of sick time and had to make up hours. I was like, "Now you know how I feel, buddy." I should have asked him what was for dinner (I'm always expected to cook when I'm sick).

  8. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    oh my, yes! I could have written this. I get so frustrated with what a WIMP he gets with a sniffle! I was pregnant and had a stomach bug and still managed to make it to work the next day. While pregnant. And caring for a toddler.

  9. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @avivoca: I will say DH has never complained when I say we need to just do delivery. So that's something. Sick day = ordering pizza.

  10. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    I get annoyed, but it's probably a little irrational, considering the circumstances. When DH takes a day off work to recover from a standard illness, it entails holing up in our bedroom, binge watching TV, and napping at his leisure. When I come down with the same sickness, I'm still on the hook for 12+ hour solo parenting. The scenario is obviously what I signed up for as a SAHM, and DH is great at pulling his weight when he gets home. But it still sucks that my recovery time is always so prolonged due to the lack of any real relaxation.

  11. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @deerylou: @ShootingStar: if he could have holed Ilona bedroom I would be less annoyed. But we have a two bedroom and the baby still sleeps in our room so he's just always here, not helping. He's recovering now but still laying on the couch while I bounce the baby.

  12. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    Yes I do. like many of you I keep going when I am sick - running the house, working full time and taking care of our 2 year old without complaining. Meanwhile he gets all mad if I need him to watch DS for a couple of hours on the weekend while I study for an exam or do work. Because he has a cold and should be resting. Yeah..

  13. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Ha, it wasn't much better having him in the guest room. He'd be chilling out in there, relaxing, watching shows and I'd go in and ask if he could watch the baby for a few minutes while I walked the dog or something. And he'd be all, "well, I don't think it's a good idea for me to get too close". UGH.

    Or when it's like the 4th time in a row and he pulls the "well I'm sick so I'm going to the guest room." Which is code for "you're on your own".

  14. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    I'm feeling the irrational anger today... It's been a sucky week of sickness & puke and yesterday DH was down and out feeling sick. Today I got all 3 kids out of the house so he could rest this morning and came home for naps. Dh felt better at nap time but now in the last hour is feeling nauseous again so he's back downstairs resting. Ugh. Just in time for supper, baths & bedtime with a stubborn 3 yr old, tantruming toddler & 2 week old infant all by myself. This. Just. Sucks. Sorry, I just had to get it off my chest.

  15. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @creativemomma15: ugh that does just suck. A whole lot. I'm sorry.
    My DH is feeling better (not the flu just man cold) but now the toddler has it. She just coughed so hard she threw up.

  16. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    @Foodnerd81: I'm glad your DH is feelin better but the toddler getting it sucks! You've been dealing with a lot of sickness this season haven't you? I am so ready for spring!!! As for us... 10 minutes till bedtime. I think DH took pity on me when he heard all of the um... loudness... at supper time. He came up and helped some with the big two. I'm hoping tomorrow is a new leaf with all this. It's been quite the beginning to being a family of 5!!!

  17. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @creativemomma15: so much sickness! She has been sick more this winter than the rest of her life combined I think. I feel so bad for her. Well, and me. But I'm incredibly thankful that the baby has only had mild colds.

  18. LilSprinkles

    clementine / 778 posts

    Nope! With all my stomach issues, DH has to take care of me at least twice a month. He rarely gets sick, but when he is, I'm happy to help since he does so much for me.


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