eggplant / 11716 posts
I was my mom's 5th child and I was born extremely fast (all of her labors are fast).
Since my mom had very fast labors and they lived out in the country, her doctor told my parents to start driving as soon as she had any signs of labor. A few days before my due date, mom woke up in the middle of the night and just "didn't feel right". No labor pains, but she felt off.
Dad wanted to go to the hospital, but mom was embarassed because she felt she wasn't really in labor. However, dad they went.
When they arrived at the hospital, the nurse looked at mom (not in pain, not breathing heavily) and told her she wasn't in labor but to go lay down in a room to rest until the doctor could check her. My mom rested--and fell asleep. The nurse woke her up to check her and TOLD her she was having a baby. I was born 30 minutes later.
It's like I just slid out with hardly any contractions or pain. I was *so* hoping I'd inherited those genes, but my labor was 2 days long!! grrr.
(side note: my parents had another kid after me and my dad was SO worried about my mom having a baby at home alone while he was at work that he and the doctor decided--without even consulting my mom--to induce her 2 weeks before her due date. And then they just told my mom that was what was going down. To be fair, at that point they were 41 and my mom was a high-risk pregnancy then.)
watermelon / 14467 posts
I know very little. I was born in 1985 and she labored for 24 hours before being told she wouldn't progress past 3 cm and was forced to have a c-section. After I was born, she said the nurses would only bring me in to nurse and would put me at the end of the bed and walk out. By the time she was able to get to me, I was frantic with hunger and the nurse came back and gave me formula (my mom wanted to BF). On the way out of the hospital, the nurse would not let my parents hold me and took them to the payment window. They had to call my grandmother and have her pay with her credit card before they were allowed to take me home.
I don't know if that was routine treatment of patients in 1985 or if it was because my parents were a biracial couple. My mom doesn't really like to talk about it, other than to say, "Twenty-four hours of labor, and then they cut you out..." before launching into some other story (usually when she's mad at me or feels I have wronged her in some way).
blogger / coconut / 8306 posts
I was a surprise. My parents had just bought a house and were painting it themselves and doing other work around the house before moving in. My mom said she was sick and exhausted, but chalked it up to paint fumes and working full time then going to work on the house.
I think she was 2 or 3 months along before she finally took a pregnancy test. I was born 4 days before my due date.
Same with my brother. Busy and didn't notice a missed period, but home tests and blood tests came back negative. She finally for a positive blood test, and my brother was born 6 months later -- overdue!
It blows my mind that tests weren't accurate then! (1988)
grapefruit / 4862 posts
These are SO INTERESTING! I need to ask my mom about my sisters. I'm adopted so I have no idea on mine. My story of how they "got" me though was they got a call late at night (after waiting years to adopt) that they needed to fly to Illinois to adopt a baby girl. They got a flight a few hours later and had less than a day to figure out a name for me!
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