For some reason this week she is refusing to nap in her bassinet. Could be last couple nights I've been so tired by the morning when she's fussy I just hold her otherwise she wakes up every 20minutes. *sheepish grin*
So yesterday the only time she napped outside of my arms for more than 15 minutes was her swing.
Today I tried to put her in her bassinet twice and she woke up crying. So the third time I tried the swing she woke up but went back to sleep.

The swing DOES recline but it's not a full recline. I wouldn't say her head is slumped over but it's def slumped to one side. But she's perfectly capable of moving her head. I've gone over there twice to readjust her head so it's not slumped to one side but she just likes sleeping like that. Even when we're holding her upright in our arms she likes to slump to one side.
I'm just worried about negative physical effects of letting her sleep with her head slumped to one side.

Anything I can do to combat it? Fold a receiving blanket on that side of her head?

Granted it's only the second time...but I'm a worry wart!

P.S. I'd much rather she sleep in her bassinet/crib. She's moving around so much while sleeping in the swing I don't feel like she's getting a "good" nap in.