I have been on the mommy meet-up trail for the past two weeks. We just moved to a new city, I am SAH with LO after a year of WAH & sending her to daycare (and barely having time to shower), and I need to get out of my box filled house. We had friends and family in our last city but we know hardly anyone here so I'm a play group & story time bandit right now.

I don't know if it's this city or SAHMs, but the vast majority of the moms I've met with LOs my daughter's age have another baby already or are pregnant - assuming they don't have an older child and this is their last. So the average age difference seems to be about 18 months. One mom had a LO 6 months older than my daughter, an 8 month old and was talking about getting pregnant again. I can think of just two moms of the many that I've met that only had one LO and were not pregnant, and one of them was saying how they are TTC soon. I have also gotten a looooot of eyeballs over the belly region so I am quick to make it clear I'm not pregnant, since I'm heavier and like to wear loose tops.

I don't feel like this was the norm in my hometown but I knew more working moms, and I honestly didn't hit the mommy circuit because I was drowning in work. Just wondering if this is really the case! Or maybe I am doing that early stage baby fever thing where everyone you meet suddenly has a baby or is pregnant