Just curious if you all try to extend naps?

With my 2mo old, it takes about 10 minutes to get him fully down for a nap, from the start of putting him in the bouncer to fully asleep. I bounce him deeply, then back off as he gets drowsier. Yet, he will inevitably start to wake up within 25-30 minutes. So I try to "stick around"/be very close by so that I can extend his nap to 1 hour (my preferred minimum) by bouncing him slightly, or medium-level if he's pretty awake. This takes another 5-10 minutes.

How many of you out there try to extend your baby's naps? What methods do you use? When did you start to do this less (AKA when did your child start to take 1hr+ naps on their own?)

More info on what I mean: