I think this is one of the biggest generational differences in parenting. There are two schools of thought:

1) Kids should adapt to how their parents lives
2) Parents should adapt to their kids' preferences

Growing up, I can't really remember my parents adapting to my preferences all that much. We went on fishing and camping vacations, because my dad liked to go fishing and my mom liked to go camping. Etc.

These days though, it seems like most parents (including me!) adapt to their kid's interests and preferences. While I feel good about this, I feel like it does change the family dynamic quite a bit.

I am not sure how I feel about that part of things. Will our LO miss out on learning how to adapt to other people's interests? I worry about raising selfish kids who learn to assume that their happiness is everyone's priority. I hope that won't happen, but I worry a lot about it!

Do you work for your kids, or do they work for you? How about growing up: how did things work with your parents?