DH is FaceTiming with his mom right now, and I'm working in the other room.

I just heard her ask what he meant when he told her I'm taking 2 weeks off with LO while she's out of school for break. He explained (for the millionth time) that I am not a stay at home mom. She then said, "Well yeah, I just didn't figure she needed to take time OFF if LO is home." She then made some remark about how she doesn't understand why we need to send LO to preschool at all. She told DH's entire family that I "write jingles, like Darrin from Bewitched!" ... Ummmm?

Once, our insurance agent was giving me a quote for business insurance, and when he saw how my income, he reached across the table, patted my hand, and said, "Wow! You make a lot with your *little job*!".

FWIW, I'm a full-time brand strategist & graphic designer. I run my studio from home. I'm in my 7th year, and feel like I'm pretty successful (I make over 1/2 of our annual household income, have worked with hundreds of clients over my career, and am "respected" in my industry). I bust my ass to provide for my family.

What gives?! Why is the assumption that my job is less important because I'm a mom? Or because I work at home? Or just because I'm a woman?

I guess I should add that I don't really care what people think, it's just annoying. DH is supportive, and we're a great team. Silver lining?