Hellobee Boards


Do your kids have family names?

  1. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    LO1's middle name is MIL's first name.
    LO2's middle name is my grandfather's (and uncle's) middle name.

  2. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    Yes LO's middle name is his grandfather's and father's middle names and is after a great aunt.

  3. yin

    honeydew / 7917 posts

    Nope! We gave our kids non-Asian names.

  4. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    Yes-- her name is actually a combination of 3 family names (2 last names that contained Rose- and a Lee --> Rosalie). It's a bit of a twist on Jewish naming traditions other posters mentioned

  5. Mrs. D

    pear / 1852 posts

    DD has DH's Grandmother's first name which was also my great Aunts. Her middle name is my Grandmothers middle name, which is also My aunts first name and my sisters middle name. It is also HIS aunts first name.

    I don't think we could find another perfect name that will please both family sides for another child. But we have some time to figure it out.

  6. ModernDayJibarita

    apricot / 259 posts

    LO's will have the same MN as my dad and paternal grandfather.

  7. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    LO has my maternal grandmother's name ad a middle name. Her first name is actually a family name as well, but we didn't realize it until after she was born!


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