My 15 month (who is about 10 days from being 16 months) old son has been using words finally to communicate a bit. I am thrilled but I am wondering if we can count them as full words because he tends to only say one syllable part of a word. Ball for example is Bah, bird is BIR, with a very soft r. Wow is kind of a whispers Waah. Water is Wawa. Nanna , Mama and Dada be says complete but bubble is Buh and baby is Bee! Uh oh he used to say by sighing the Uh and then saying OH but now he kind of sighs for the whole word. He tries so hard to form the words but its almost as if he can't figure them out. I have read you should always give praise no matter what and his receptive language and signing are so good that I feel like he definitely knows what he is saying and we know what he means for the most part. I guess what I am wondering is how much of a stickler should one be regarding pronunciation or syllables AND as a bonus How do you handle transitioning from sign language to getting your baby to talk more?